JAKARTA - PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB) optimizes the operation of the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) at the Rest Area KM 207 Palikanci Cirebon Toll Road, West Java, to support the community to meet their energy needs when the Lebaran 2024 homecoming uses electric vehicles. West Java Reion Office II Manager PT JMRB Irwansyah Rinaldhi in Cirebon, Tuesday 2 April, said that currently there are four SPKLU units operating in the rest area equipped with seven nozzles. He mentioned that with the presence of the four SPKLU units, the public does not need to worry about driving electric vehicles on the Palikanci Toll Road. Because they can charge vehicle batteries easily at that facility. This effort is to answer the increase in SPKLU demand during the homecoming season. Initially in this rest area there was only one unit with two nozzles, but in this year's homecoming season, the number became four SPKLUs with seven nozzles," he said, quoted from Antara. Irwansyah explained that three battery charging facilities in the KM 207 Rest Area were provided by PT PLN (Persero). While one SPKLU unit ownership was on the private side.

Menurut dia, lima nozzle pada SPKLU milik PLN sudah diaktifkan dan siap digunakan untuk mengisi baterai kendaraan yang berada di rest area. Dalam waktu dekat pun fasilitas pengisian yang dikelola swasta akan diaktifkan.Bahkan, kata dia, direncanakan ada penambahan SPKLU milik swasta di Rest Area 207 Tol Palikanci.

"We hope that this addition can provide comfort to travelers who stop by. Especially those who use electric vehicles," he said. Meanwhile, the Manager of the Cirebon City PLN Field Unit (ULP) Yonathan Erastus added that the SPKLU which is placed on the rest area on the Palikanci Toll Road is in very good condition and can be used to energy electric vehicles efficiently. He stated that for the three SPKLU units, four nozzles have been equipped with fast charging capabilities of up to 50 kilowattts (kW), and the remaining nozzles have medium charging power of 25 kW.

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