JAKARTA - Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah again reminded companies to fulfill their obligation to pay Religious Holiday Allowances (THR) in 2024 a maximum of D-7 before Eid al-Fitr.

This appeal was given considering that the D-7 Eid Al-Fitr 2024 falls on April 4, 2024, which is the last limit for paying religious THR for workers or laborers.

"Tomorrow is the last day of payment of religious THR by the company. Therefore, we again appeal and remind our fellow entrepreneurs' commitment to this year's THR payments," he said through an official statement, Tuesday, April 2.

Ida said the Ministry of Manpower had opened a THR Command Post to serve consultations and complaints on THR calculations. This post can be accessed physically or face-to-face, or online.

For online services, the public can contact via poskothr.kemnaker.go.id, contact call center 1500-630, or whatsapp 08119521151.

Furthermore, Ida said the Ministry of Manpower had also asked local governments through the Provincial and Regency/City Manpower Office to open the THR Command Post which is integrated with the poskothr.kemnaker.go.id system.

"So we provide this THR Command Post for all parties, both fellow entrepreneurs and workers/laborers, as places for consulting and law enforcement services for religious THR in 2024, where this Command Post integrates the THR Command Post at the provincial and district/city levels," he said.

Ida explained that the consultation service for the 2024 Religious THR Command Post will end on April 3, 2024. Meanwhile, complaints or law enforcement services will continue to provide services until post-Eid Al-Fitr 2024.

"So we hope that fellow entrepreneurs and workers/laborers can optimize the existence of the THR Command Post regarding the payment of Religious THR this year," he explained.

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