Corporate Secretary of PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) or KAI Commuter Anne Purba said that the movement of the Jabodetabek Commuter Line users was still being monitored at the destination station in the shopping centers.

Anne said that Tanah Abang Station, which is located in the shopping center area as the destination station with the most volume, was recorded at 195,061 people.

"Meanwhile, there are 46,821 other stations that are also in shopping areas such as Depok Baru Station and 42,804 Tebet Station," he said in an official statement, Sunday, March 31.

Meanwhile, continued Anne, the stations around tourist areas such as Bogor Station were recorded as a total of 82,183 users.

Meanwhile, Jakarta City Station in Kota Tua area recorded 29,665 users.

"KAI Commuter also noted that as of 13.00 WIB, 37,781 Commuter Line users were transiting at Manggarai Station, aiming to Jakarta, Bogor, Kampung Bandan and Bekasi/Cikarang," he said.

Meanwhile, continued Anne, at Tanah Abang Station, there were 50,512 transiters, 19,039 Duri Stations and 3,399 Kampung Bandan Stations.

Anne said tomorrow is the first working day, as is known at the beginning of the week is the day with the highest number of commuter line users compared to other days.

Based on KAI Commuter data, as of the fourth week of March 2024, Monday, March 4, 2024, was the day with the highest user volume, with a total of 1,024,456 users.

Meanwhile, the average user volume on weekdays throughout this month is 960,713 people.

This figure is 31 percent higher than the average user volume on weekends this month, which is 663,543 people per day.

With the difference in the volume of users at the beginning of the week, KAI Commuter invites users who are active every day in Jakarta to be able to use the commuter line this weekend by taking advantage of more relaxed conditions.

"On Monday, KAI Commuter predicts that the volume of users will not be much different from Monday, the previous week, which was more than 980,000 people," he explained.

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