JAKARTA - PT PP (Persero) Tbk, carried out the inauguration of the Gumbala 3 Irrigation System Rehabilitation and Reconstruction project, a project after the Palu earthquake, located in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi. The inauguration ceremony was attended and inaugurated directly by President Joko Widodo which was symbolically marked by the suppression of the siren button and the signing of the inscription.

Also attending the event were Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimoeljono, Governor of Central Sulawesi Rusdi Mastura, Regent Sigi Mohamad Irwan, Director of ADB for Indonesia Jiro Tominaga, Director of Operations for Infrastructure PTPP Yul Ari Pramuraharjo, Director of PT WIKA, and Director of PT Nindya Karya.

The Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project of the Gumbasa Package 3 Irrigation System has a contract value of Rp256 billion with a source of funds originating from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), with a construction period from 30 December 2021 to 30 November 2023 (457 days). Rehabilitation of the Gumbusa Irrigation system and its secondary channels is planned to be under the Gumbasa main channel irrigation subproject between BGKn 24- to BGKn 42 stations intended to serve the needs of Agricultural Irrigation with an average unit of 1.65 l/dtk/ha.

The plan to debit the Gumbasa Irrigation system is 13.98 m3/second. Especially in package 3, this irrigation system is planned to irrigate a potential area of 2,458 ha with a reach of 12 villages in Dolo District and Sigi Kota District. President Joko Widodo conveyed the government's efforts to achieve national food security.

"We must continue to work hard and strive to achieve food sovereignty, one of which is by building infrastructure such as dams and irrigation networks spread throughout the country to ensure the availability of water for farmers in increasing Indonesia's agricultural productivity and improving the welfare of farmers," said the President.

"By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Gumbasa irrigation area in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, I will inaugurate it," said President Jokowi, quoted on Friday, March 29.

PTPP President Director Novel Arsyad said he was proud to be able to complete the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Gumbasa 3 package irrigation system in accordance with the quality, quality, target standards, and continue to pay attention to safety in the work.

This project is also one of the portfolios of PTPP that has succeeded in building water infrastructure, namely an irrigation system that will be useful for irrigating rice fields in 12 villages and improving the Plantation Index (IP) in Sigi Regency. This success is of course in line with the goals of the Government of Indonesia in supporting the growth of water infrastructure, food security and increasing sustainability, for the welfare of Indonesian farmers and people," concluded Novel.

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