JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) reports that it has collected 13.4 million data on cooperatives and MSMEs to date.

Deputy for Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Cooperatives, SMEs Siti Azizah, said that her party had conducted a direct survey of MSME Cooperatives in 240 districts/cities and 34 provinces in Indonesia throughout 2022.

Meanwhile, in 2023, the Kemenkop UKM in collaboration with the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) has carried out the same census/survey. However, in different locations, namely in 215 districts/cities in 32 provinces.

"From this two-year survey, namely in 2022 and 2023, we currently have sufficient data as a start because previously we did not have integrated and standardized data," said Siti Azizah in her official statement in Jakarta, quoted Wednesday, March 27.

Azizah said this step was carried out in line with the mandate of the Minister of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of One Data on Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises through the Single Database.

He said that his party managed to collect 9.1 million data in 2022 and 4.3 million data in 2023, so that the current total is 13.4 million data on cooperatives and MSMEs.

"However, not all of them have been recorded in full. This year, we are trying to add more data to about 4 million cooperative and MSME data," he said.

According to Azizah, the direct survey conducted by his party together with BPS in 2023 was conducted by name by address and macroeconomic analysis from MSMEs. This, he said, was one of the priority programs of the Kemenkop UKM which was commanded by the Deputy for Entrepreneurship.

"Cyclically in entrepreneurship, apart from capturing new entrepreneurs, then fostering and developing, the foundation ecosystem is data collection which will later be used by the Ministry of Cooperatives and other ministries and local governments (Pemda)," he said.

Furthermore, Azizah said, the survey included seven aspects, including business identity, marketing, production process, financing, organizational management, logistics and Human Resources (HR), where the total questions reached around 98 questions for the seven aspects.

Meanwhile, regarding the province surveyed, the amount of cooperative and MSME data obtained in Java is dominated as a potential area.

Related to this, Azizah admitted that the survey had not been carried out thoroughly, especially in areas that were indeed difficult to access.

"Because we conducted a direct survey, the challenge is how the infrastructure access to the location and source is directly. Considering that we also still have access problems and human resources," he said.

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