JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Edy Wuryanto, urged the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah to revise the regulation of the Minister of Manpower (Permenaker) Number 6 of 2016.
The Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 6 of 2016 contains rules regarding Religious Holiday Allowances (THR) for Workers/Labourers in Companies.
Furthermore, Edy said that the revision of this memanaker needs to be done so that online motorcycle taxi drivers or ojol and logistics couriers get THR Lebaran 2024.
Edy said ojol drivers and logistics couriers are difficult to get THR because they are not included in the work relationship category based on a certain time work agreement (PKWT) or an indefinite time work agreement (PKWTT).
"Ojol and courier do not include certain time work agreement workers, he is not included in that category. But they are included in the partnership relationship work," he said in a working meeting with the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Tuesday, March 26.
According to Edy, revisions need to be made so that there is a legal umbrella that regulates partnership work such as drivers and logistics couriers to get THR.
"In line with earlier, the revision of Permenaker number 6 of 2016 needs to be done to include partnership workers into workers who receive THR. Because if not, PKWT can be between PKWT and partnership workers," he explained.
THR For Ojol And Couriers Is Not Mandatory
Previously, the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said that the provision of religious holiday allowances (THR) for online motorcycle taxi drivers (Ojol) or logistics couriers was not the obligation of online application companies or applicators.
"Let us interpret that this is our good intention whether or not it is not included in the context of obligation (giving THR)," he said during a working meeting with Commission IX of the DPR, at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 26.
Separately, Ida explained that the company's obligation to provide THR for Eid 2024 only applies to work relationships based on a certain time work agreement (PKWT) or an indefinite time work agreement (PKWTT).
Ida said this provision is contained in Circular (SE) Number M / 2 / HK.04.00 / III / 2024 concerning the Implementation of the 2024 Religious Holiday Allowances for Workers / Laborers in Companies.
"Earlier I said that the basis for the appeal letter that we issued was PP number 36 of 2021 and Permenaker Number 6 of 16 where the THR was given to workers who have PKWT and PKWTT work relationships," he said.
On that basis, continued Ida, giving THR Lebaran 2024 to ojol or courier drivers is not mandatory because the status of the relationship is a partnership.
"Meanwhile, online motorcycle taxi friends are not included in the realm of Permenaker Number 6 of 2016, this year. Because their working relationship is a partnership relationship," he explained.
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