JAKARTA - The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR said that a number of toll roads will be operated functionally to support the flow of homecoming and return during the Eid al-Fitr 2024 period. This toll road has not been charged tariffs, aka it is still free.

Member of BPJT Community Elements of the Ministry of PUPR Tulus Abadi said the functional implementation of this toll road was over the discretion of the police when the existing toll roads were already congested.

"There are 6 functional sections including in Banda Aceh, especially in Java, in Java that we have opened, later are Solo, Jogja, YIA, which are temporarily open for functions and longer lines. Last year it was opened about 23 km, but this has increased so that it is even longer," he said in the agenda of the Merdeka Barat 9 Forum, in Kominfo, Jakarta, Monday, March 25.

Tulus said that because it was operated functionally, no tariffs were charged. The toll road will operate from 06.00 WIB to 17.00 WIB.

"It opens from 6 am to 5 pm. After that it is closed again. The functional toll road is still free, don't forget to use it," he explained.

As for the material for Tulus' presentation, there are seven toll roads that will be applied functionally. The details are:

1. Cimanggis-Cibitung Section 2B (Cikeas-Cibitung) along 19.65 km2. South Jakarta-Cikampek II Section Kuranegara-Sedang along 8.5 km3. Solo-Yogyakarta-NYIA Kulonprogo Section Colomadu-Klaten along 22.3 km4. Bangkinang-Koto Kampar Section Bengkinang-Koto Kampar along 24.7 km5. Kuala Tanjung-Tebing Tinggi-Parapat Section 2 (Kuala Tanjung-Indrapura) along 9.47 km and Section 3-4 Tebing Tinggi-Sinaksak 47.15 km6. Indrapura-Kisaran Section 2 (Five Puluh-Kisaran) along 32.15 km7. Kayuagung-Pelembang-Betung Section 3 in part (IC Musi-Tarumulya Flats) along 21.2 km

In addition, Tulus ensured that toll road operators would also provide discounts or discounts for the Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran 2024 homecoming season. He said the toll tariff discount would be delivered directly by the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) or the operators of each toll road.

"There may be a toll road that is not free, but given a discount. If it's free, no. Later the one who gives the discount is BUJT or the operator, not the government, later the synergy," he said.

However, Tulus said the government could not intervene too much regarding the discount on toll rates. The reason is, this concerns the company's investment.

"The decision to give the discount is (ranah) BUJT. Because this concerns investment of all kinds, the government cannot intervene too deeply related to tariffs because it has been determined," he explained.

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