Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that the realization of the budget for the development of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) until February 29, 2024 reached IDR 2.3 trillion or 5.8 percent of the ceiling of IDR 39.3 trillion.

"This year, the IKN budget in the APBN is IDR 39.3 trillion, and the realization is IDR 2.3 trillion or 5.8 percent of the ceiling," said Sri Mulyani during a press conference for the March 2024 edition of the KiTa State Budget in Jakarta, Monday, March 25, 2024.

Sri Mulyani said the total budget allocation for IKN from 2022 to 2024 was IDR 71.8 trillion.

"The total expenditure of IKN from 2022 to 2024 in our APBN is IDR 71.8 trillion," he said.

According to Sri Mulyani, the budget prepared by the government in 2024 is IDR 39.3 trillion, which is greater than in 2022 which is only IDR 5.5 trillion and in 2023 it is IDR 27 trillion.

Furthermore, the realization of the IKN budget of IDR 2.3 trillion in 2024 consists of the realization of an infrastructure cluster of IDR 400 billion from a ceiling of IDR 36.4 trillion and a non-infrastructure cluster of IDR 1.9 trillion from a ceiling of IDR 2.9 trillion.

Meanwhile, the funds were used for building buildings in the state palace area, the coordinating ministry area and other ministries, as well as the IKN Authority (OIKN) building.

Furthermore, the construction of the state civil apparatus (ASN) flat tower and security defense, ministerial landed houses, IKN toll roads, IKN roads and bridges, VVIP airports, arrangement and refinement of the Sepaku Semoi Dam area, Embung Government Core Area (KIPP), IKN flood control, as well as forest and land rehabilitation around IKN.

Then, non-infrastructure clusters such as planning, coordination and preparation of transfers, promotion of IKN publications/socialization, reports and policy recommendations at ministries/agencies (K/L), mapping, monitoring and evaluation activities, support for the security of the National Police and OIKN operations.

Overall, the realization of state expenditure for the 2024 State Budget as of March 15 reached IDR 470.3 trillion or equivalent to 14.1 percent of the budget ceiling of IDR 3,325.1 trillion or grew by 18.1 percent year on year (yoy).

Meanwhile, central government spending was recorded at IDR 328.9 trillion, consisting of ministry/institutional expenditures (K/L) of IDR 165.4 trillion and non-K/L expenditures of IDR 163.4 trillion. The transfer to the regions was recorded at IDR 141.4 trillion.

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