The Ministry of Transportation through the Directoral General of Land Transportation will blacklist or block the population identification number (NIK) for registrants of homecoming programs who do not re-valiate.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Amirulloh said this step was taken to prevent people from registering for free homecoming programs at several organizers.

The Ministry of Transportation itself organizes free homecoming for several modes of transportation, namely buses, trains and ships.

Karena mudik gratis ini, ada satu kebiasaan masyarakat yang tidak bagus karena mereka mendaftar di seluruh penyelenggara mudik gratis. Karena tahun ini sudah ada verifikasi kalau dapat (kuota mudik) dan tidak digunakan maka akan di-blacklist, ucapnya dalam sosialisasi mudik gratis, di Kementerian Perhubungan, Jakarta, Jumat, 22 Maret.

Amirullah said that the NIK of registrants who are blacklisted or blacklist will not be able to be used to register for the 2025 free homecoming program or so.

"We will lock the NIK. If there is another free homecoming, he will no longer be able to get a chance (homecoming quota)," he said.

Reflecting on 2023, said Amirullah, 1,500 bus seats were empty. After the evaluation, it turned out that this was because people registered more than one free homecoming event.

"Well, talking about last year's data, we asked the three organizers for data, it turns out that there are 1,500 people registered with different organizers," he explained.

On the other hand, Amirullah said this would reduce public trust in the Ministry of Transportation.

People who do not get free homecoming quotas actually blame the government.

"And what is the problem with us? What doesn't get this state as if what the government is doing is not true. So we are transparent, maybe holding a free homecoming, opening registration online. So they don't accept it," he said.

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