PT Bank Mega Syariah targets the issuance of 2,500 Sharia Card financing cards during Ramadan.

Sharia Card Business Division Head of Bank Mega Syariah Eva Dahlia Kusumawati is optimistic that the consumption financing of Bank Mega Syariah during Ramadan will also grow, especially in the retail sector.

Therefore, Bank Mega Syariah optimizes the momentum of the holy month to boost financing transactions through financing cards from Bank Mega Syariah or Sharia Card.

"Bank Mega Syariah targets more than 2,500 new cards and significantly boosts the value of Sharia Card transactions with a projected transaction value of more than IDR 20 billion during Ramadan," Eva said in an official statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 18.

Eva explained that consumption financing is one of the segments that experienced growth during the holy month of Ramadan.

Demand for vehicle, housing and other consumptive financing has increased along with the increase in shopping activities.

Based on data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in March 2023 which became the initial moment of Ramadan, credit or consumption financing of commercial banks increased 0.84 percent from February. Whereas in January 2023 its performance was negative 0.10 percent from December 2022.

A similar trend can also be seen in the financing of Islamic commercial banks and sharia units in March 2023 which rose 1.26 percent from the previous month. This record is higher than January's growth of 0.49 percent and February 1.17 percent on a monthly basis (month-to-month/mtm).

Furthermore, Eva conveyed that as part of an expansion strategy, Bank Mega Syariah presents various interesting programs for Sharia Card users.

Customers can enjoy discounts of up to IDR 200 ribai e-commerce such as Shopee,, and other retailers. In addition, there are discounts of up to 50 percent per shop at various Food & Beverage merchants such as Baskin Robbins, Wendy's, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, and many more.

Eva explained that since its launch from April to December 2023, the issued Sharia Cards have reached more than 10,000 cards.

Bank Mega Syariah targets the issuance of a Sharia Card card to reach 25,000 cards by the end of 2024, an increase of 150 percent from the previous year.

"Bank Mega Syariah is determined to continue to contribute to the development of the Islamic financial ecosystem in Indonesia, as well as to provide wider and wider choices for the community in meeting financial needs according to sharia principles," Eva explained.

Meanwhile, the use of credit cards and financing cards is still very much in demand by the Indonesian people to make payment transactions.

Bank Indonesia (BI) data shows that in 2023 the total value of credit card transactions including sharia financing cards will reach IDR 405.33 trillion, growing 25.25 percent from 2022. In the same period, the number of cards issued also increased by 3.08 to 17.72 million cards.

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