JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) noted that the growth of GDP in the processed food and beverage industry (Mamin) is still far from what is expected. It was recorded that throughout 2023, the growth of the Mamin industry's GDP reached 4.47 percent.

This figure decreased when compared to 2023 which reached 4.90 percent.

"GDP growth in the food and beverage industry until 2023 (achieving) 4.9 percent. This is slightly decreasing and far from our expectations," said Director of the Beverage Industry, Tobacco Products and Budgeting Materials of the Directorate General of Agro Industry at the Ministry of Industry Merrijantij Punguan Pintaria in the agenda of the Asrim Press Conference entitled "Ministry Industry Performance in 2023 and Opportunities and Challenges in 2024" at the Mercure Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 13.

Merrijantij mengatakan, nilai ekspor dan impor mamin secara neraca juga turun. Kalau sepanjang 2022 surplus mencapai 32,05 miliar dolar AS. Sedangkan, surplus sepanjang 2023 turun di angka 25.21 miliar dolar AS.

"The value of investment realization has increased. Maybe in certain sectors it is still quite interesting. Given that our market is 270 million people, it is an attractive market to invest. For exports/imports in 2022, the export is 99 million US dollars, our import value is 129 million US dollars. So, this light drink contributes to our shopping balance deficit," he said.

Therefore, said Merrijantij, his party has prepared a number of strategies to spur the growth of the manufacturing industry in the country. Including, the processed Mamin industry.

"One of the efforts we are making is through restructuring. We are finalizing the legal umbrella. If this can be published in the not too distant future, we hope this program can help industrial performance," he said.

"The government has also prepared fiscal facilities, be it tax holidays, tax allowances and super deduction tax, as well as exemption from import duties for capital goods in the context of investment and other efforts made. Finally, it is an increase in industrial implementation 4.0," he continued.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Association of Light Drinks Industry (Asrim) Triyono Prijosoesilo said that his sector's performance had not yet recovered until 2023.

"This can be seen from the sales of light drinks outside of Bottled Drinking Water (AMDK) which experienced negative growth of 2.6 percent throughout 2023," he said.

Triyono said this was caused by several factors, such as the rising rate of food inflation in Indonesia, which had an impact on decreasing people's purchasing power, increasing logistics costs due to unstable geopolitical conditions to rising raw material prices.

"Forensive vehicles have resulted in a decrease in agricultural productivity in various countries resulting in an increase in the price of raw materials," he said.

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