JAKARTA - President Director of Perum Bulog Bayu Krisnamirthi revealed that his party had started procuring domestic rice in line with the harvest season.
However, Bayu admitted that Bulog could not procure or absorb rice from within the country by Public Service Obligation (PSO).
The reason, continued Bayu, is because the price of unhulled rice is still priced at IDR 7,000 per kilogram (kg). The price is above the Bulog Government Purchase Price (HPP) of IDR 5,000 per kg.
Saat ini sudah mulai panen dan Bulog mulai mengadakan pengadaan dalam negeri. Hanya saja kami harus laporkan untuk harga beli Bulog, untuk beras, saat ini masih sekitar Rp13,000 per kg dan gabah masih sekitar Rp7,000 per kg dan ini masih berada di atas HPP, kata Bayu dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi VI DPR, di Gedung DPR, Kompleks Parliament, Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu, 13 Maret.
"So, our current HPP is IDR 5,000, so Logistics Agency (Bulog) has not been able to procure PSO", he continued.
Although he has not been able to procure domestic procurement by PSO, Bayu admitted that Bulog can still absorb domestic rice commercially.
"But (we) are still procuring it using a commercial approach," said Bayu.
Regarding rice stocks, Bayu said that currently the stock owned by Perum Bulog is in a sufficient position. The stock is also spread throughout Indonesia.
Based on data presented by Bayu, as of Tuesday, March 12, 2024, Bulog's rice stock was 1,105,344 tons. In detail, there are 1,093,987 tons of CBP stock rice and 11,356 tons of commercial rice stock.
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