JAKARTA - PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) encourages an increase in the halal ecosystem through strengthening the potential of MSMEs with the Tuesday program (Halal Unpaid Certification).

In the early stages, BSI provided this halal certificate to 1,000 MSMEs from the food and beverage or food & beverage segment, cosmetics, fashion.

BSI Sales & Distribution Director Anton Sukarna said that the Tuesday program is a special program for the MSME segment which includes placing funds as well as providing free self-declare halal certification. This is done to provide stimulus for MSMEs so that their business can immediately advance to class.

"This Tuesday program is one of BSI's innovations to make it easier for MSME players to get halal certificates. Halal certificates are very important because the current sharia lifestyle has become a lot of people's life choices," Anton said in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, March 8.

Anton said that the Tuesday program is in line with the provisions of the Halal Product Guarantee Administration which requires halal certification for business actors until October 17, 2024. BSI as the largest Islamic bank, focuses on the halal ecosystem and certainly supports the acceleration of the issuance of halal certification for business actors.

With the development of MSME players in Indonesia, the greater the need for halal certification is. BSI strives to provide a platform that can help them get halal certificates," said Anton.

In terms of the company, BSI has collaborated with 59 Halal Inspection Agencys (LPH) and the Halal Product Process Companion Institute (LP3H) to provide literacy on the importance of being aware of being halal to MSME actors. This year, BSI targets payment transactions for halal certification using BSI to reach 80 percent.

BSI has also been prepared in terms of e-channels for payment of halal certification through BSI Mobile, provision of halal certification consultations for business actors, and optimization of upstream to downstream processes where BSI facilitates access to financial capacity assistance, provision of places for marketing and including MSMEs in domestic and foreign exhibitions.

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