JAKARTA - Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Jisman P Hutajulu said the government is committed to continuing to make energy transitions by reducing dependence on fossil energy and encouraging the use of renewable energy (EBT).

"We have ratified the Paris Agreement, determined the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), in the future we will reduce fossil power plants with a note that electricity is still sufficient, reliable and affordable," said Jisman, quoted on Thursday, March 7.

For this reason, said Jisman, the government will boost the EBT mix as a substitute for fossil energy in achieving the 32 percent carbon emission reduction target by 2030.

However, Jisman noted, there are at least three big challenges that must be solved in the big energy transition agenda.

First, the mismatch between EBT sources, the majority of which are in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua and the load center in Java.

Second, Indonesia as an archipelagic country has its own challenges in building electricity networks that are able to supply to remote areas.

Third, there is intermittency in EBT plants such as solar and puyu, which makes electricity unstable.

According to him, these challenges cannot be carried out by the government or PLN itself, but must be carried out through collaboration.

"We as the government invite all parties to collaborate, in the sense that it is mutually beneficial. From this event there must be very principles input to the government," said Jisman.

Meanwhile, PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained, PLN admitted that the energy transition could not be carried out alone.

As a catalyst for energy transition, PLN must build collaboration with various parties to find solutions to existing challenges.

Darmawan believes, through collaboration, challenges such as the EBT source mismatch with a load center and intermittency on EBT can be unraveled and resolved.

PLN has compiled an Accelerated Renewable Energy Development (ARED) program

With ARED, PLN builds national electricity equalization through the Green Enabling Super Grid. Making Indonesia's electrical system previously separated between islands connected to one another and the potential for large-scale EBT that has not been utilized so far can be maximized.

"EBT-based electricity supply will increase from 22 GW to 61 GW," said Darmawan.

Then, to overcome the challenges of intermittency from EBT sources, PLN also builds smart grids with smart power plants and flexible generation equipped with smart transmission, smart distribution, smart control centers and smart meters.

"Through RED, the additional 75 percent electricity capacity comes from EBT, while 25 percent comes from natural gas," concluded Darmawan.

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