JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) has again held a homecoming program with BUMN 2024 in order to welcome Eid al-Fitr. A total of 80,215 quotas were prepared.

From the prepared quota of 80,215, it will be divided into several modes of transportation. Starting from trains, buses to ships.

In detail, there are 1.225 buses that will carry 55,607 travelers. Then, 60 train fleets with a quota of 18,998 travelers.

Then, 15 fleets of ships with a quota of 5,610 travelers.

The destination for going home by train is Jakarta-Surabaya; Jakarta-Malang; Jakarta-Blitar; Jakarta-Solo; and Jakarta-DI Yogyakarta.

Meanwhile, the bus route for the 2024 BUMN free homecoming program is Jakarta-Wonogiri; Jakarta-Surakarta; Jakarta-Klaten; Jakarta-Kebumen; Jakarta-Purworejo; Jakarta-Sragen; Jakarta-Boyolali; Jakarta-Ngawi; Jakarta-Grobokan; and Jakarta-Solo Raya.

President Director of PT Jasa Raharja (Persero), Rivan A Purwantono said, public interest in the 2024 BUMN free homecoming program is very high.

In fact, since registration was opened, there have been 14,000 prospective travelers who registered.

The registrant for this homecoming program has been open since March 4, 2024. He said, registration was also carried out one door through the system built by Jasa Raharja.

"We continue to monitor it, today we see that 14,796 (registered)," he said at a press conference, in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 5.

Meanwhile, Assistant Deputy for Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) of the Ministry of SOEs Edi Eko Cahyono said this program was an effort by SOEs to help people who wanted to return to their hometowns at the moment of Eid al-Fitr 2024.

"This year we are targeting this joint homecoming to send 80,000 people," he said.

Requirements and How to Register

Registration for the 2024 BUMN free homecoming program has been open since yesterday, and the remaining quota is still very large. However, at any time it can be closed if the quota has been fulfilled.

For people who are interested in participating in this program, they must meet the applicable requirements. If one of the requirements is not met, then they cannot participate in this program.

The following are the conditions that need to be considered by the public:

Steps to register for free homecoming for BUMN 2024:

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