The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the increase in rice prices in Malang City, East Java, was one of the commodities that affected inflation by 0.50 percent in the local area in February 2024.

Head of BPS Malang City Umar Sjaifudin in Malang City, Friday, said that the 7.94 percent increase in rice prices in February 2024 was the number one contributor to inflation in the local area.

"The price of rice is actually the number one commodity contributor to inflation in February 2024. The increase in rice prices contributed 0.31 percent to Malang City's inflation of 0.50 percent," Umar said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 1.

He explained, based on the records of BPS Malang City, the rice price trend has indeed increased in the last year.

In 2023, it was recorded that in October to December the prices of these commodities began to decline in prices.

However, he continued, from January to February 2024, rice prices had increased again and were recorded at an average price of Rp. 15,497 per kilogram.

"This month the price of rice is almost Rp. 15,500 per kilogram. The increase has been recorded starting in August 2022, which is slowly and continuously. At that time, the price of rice was in the range of Rp. 11,000 per kilogram," said Umar.

He added that the increase in rice prices occurred starting from the farmer and milling level. At the farmer level, the price of unhulled rice is in the range of Rp. 8,000 per kilogram, while at the milling level it is Rp. 14,000 per kilogram.

"The increase in rice at the farmer and milling levels is high. Meanwhile, the increase at the consumer level is not that high, because there are a number of efforts made by local governments such as market operations and others," he said.

In addition to rice, he continued, other commodities that contributed to Malang City inflation were an increase in the price of red chilies by 31.67 percent, chicken eggs by 8.56 percent, chicken meat by 2.83 percent, cooking oil by 1.64 percent and a house contract fee of 0.45 percent.

Meanwhile, the inhibiting commodities of inflation in February 2024 in Malang City, including shallots, which fell by 10.61 percent, cayenne pepper 6.66 percent, air transport ticket prices fell 3.16 percent, garlic 2.14 percent and gold jewelry decreased 0.49 percent.

It was recorded that the year on year (yoy) inflation in Malang City or the February 2023 period compared to February 2024 was 2.64 percent, lower than East Java which was 2.81 percent and compared to the national level of 2.75 percent.

Malang City's cumulative inflation was recorded at 0.27 percent, lower than East Java which was 0.39 percent, and nationally which was recorded at 0.41 percent.

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