JAKARTA - Starting in 2024, Aquaproof pioneer of anti-peak coating paint in Indonesia carries out the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program on January 31, 2024. Through the CSR program, Aquaproof always shows its concern for the environment and the surrounding community. On this occasion, Aquaproof visited the Wisma Mulia Werdha Panti, which is located on Jl. Prize No. 14-16, West Jakarta.

In total there are 85 OMAs and opa along with administrators at the Wisma Mulia Werdha Panti, with the number of OMAs can be doubled from the number of opa. One room can be occupied by 1-2 OMAs or opa, and also divided per floor. The 1st floor is inhabited byoma and the 2nd floor is inhabited by opa. There is anoma and opa that has just joined the Wisma Mulia Werdha Panti, there are also those who have long joined here such as the Sumini OMA, namely since 20 years ago, "said Holda, one of the administrators of the Werdha Wisma Mulia Panti.

Vera Veliria, Marketing Communication Manager of PT Adhi Cakra Utama Mulia in her speech revealed that Aquaproof at the age of 40 wants to share love withoma and opa. Age 40 is certainly not a young age, especially compared tooma and opa.

Old age is certainly unavoidable for everyone, and to undergo old age, of course, it would be better if filled with happy moments, one of which is through concrete actions carried out by Aquaproof in the form of a visit to share love with the Wisma Mulia Werdha Panti.

Aquaproof has prepared goodie bags, basic necessities and other necessities whose hopes can be useful for Oma and opa at the Wisma Mulia Werdha Panti. In addition to the delivery of the needs of Oma and opa, at the end of the event according to information conveyed by the management of Panti Werdha Wisma Mulia, there is a birthday celebration that is usually carried out together every end of the month to celebrate the ama and opa as well as the administrators who have birthdays that month.

"Of course this will be a new moment for the Aquaproof team. In January there were 6 people who had their birthdays, and through this simple celebration, of course, it can be interpreted with happiness and comfort for all parties. Hopefully, I hope the aroma and opa at Panti Werdha Wisma Mulia can continue to be delegated to happiness and health, and hopefully this activity can be an inspiration for other business actors," explained Vera.

The presence of 15 Aquaproof internal teams to entertain oma and opa at the Wisma Mulia Werdha Panti certainly brings their own happiness tooma and opa. Suli Wantoro, one of the opa at Panti Werdha Wisma Mulia, said that the presence of donors made her feel happy.

"The activities carried out on that day are clearly different from the usual days, although they only share stories and sing together which are filled alternately byoma and opa, this activity can be enjoyed by all participants who want to join," explained Suli.

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