JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance recorded the realization of the general election budget (election) until February 12, 2024, reaching Rp. 16.5 trillion or 43.2 percent of the budgeted ceiling of Rp. 38.3 trillion.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the realization of the expenditure was used by the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu).

"KPU and Bawaslu spend Rp. 16.2 trillion for various implementations of the 2024 election to voting and vote counting," Sri Mulyani said in a press conference on the APBN KITA, Thursday, February 22.

Sri Mulyani detailed the budget used by the KPU and Bawaslu including the formation of the Adhoc Board, supervision of the implementation of elections and the Adhoc Institution, voting and vote calculations.

Furthermore, for management, to logistics documentation, supervision of the campaign period, updating of election data, planning programs & budgets and monitoring of election results.

Then, the realization of election spending was also used by 14 Ministries/Institutions amounting to Rp300 billion, including for election security and security maintenance, and public order, handling violations of the code of ethics.

In addition, it is also used to disseminate information, disseminate information, socialize, and cover related to elections, handle constitutional cases related to the implementation of elections, formulation of national security vulnerabilities policies related to elections, and supervision of voting and vote counting.

For information, the Ministry of Finance has prepared an election budget from 2022 to 2024 of IDR 71.2 trillion. Where the realization in 2022-2024 is IDR 49.5 trillion. With details in 2022 of IDR 3.1 trillion, in 2023 it will reach IDR 29.9 trillion, and until February 12 IDR 16.5 trillion.

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