JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman asked flood victims and local governments in Central Java to immediately report to him directly if assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture did not arrive within a week.

"No more than a week all the assistance I mentioned earlier arrived, otherwise, please one Demak person come to Jakarta. I will pay for the PP tickets (away-away) and the hotel, come report it if the aid does not arrive (a week)," Amran said in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, February 13.

The Ministry of Agriculture handed over agricultural facilities and infrastructure to flood victims in the Central Java (Central Java) region worth IDR 30 billion, including fertilizers, seeds, alsintan, and other harvesting tools that can accelerate production.

"The total assistance is Rp. 30 billion, with details of rice seeds for 10,000 hectares, JIT, Agricultural Insurance (AUTP), pumps, combine developers and tractors for three districts," said Amran.

Amran explained that the Ministry of Agriculture's fertilizers will distribute as many as 75 tons which will be divided into 25 tons each for Demak, Grobogan and Kudus regencies.

"We promise, God willing, Demak, Grobogan, and Kudus Regencies, a total of 7000 hectares, God willing, we will help with the seeds of 10,000 hectares, 3000 reserves are free," said Amran.

Furthermore, for rice harvesting machines or combine developers, the Ministry of Agriculture will provide as many as 30 units with 10 units each for the three flood-affected areas.

"As long as I am still at the Ministry (Parment), if what I mentioned earlier does not arrive, there comes one person, enough Kadis (Head of Agriculture Service) who comes, immediately report it. The Head of Kudus, Grobogan immediately intercepted me that the assistance did not arrive, not through the Director General, because if an emergency I will handle it directly, "said Amran.

According to him, farmers should get more attention because they have a strategic role and are at the forefront of ensuring food availability for the nation and state.

For Amran, economic and health crises can be overcome, but the food crisis will have a much more serious impact and have the potential to create tensions and social conflicts that threaten the stability of the country.

"If we can get through the economic crisis, we can get through the health crisis, but if food doesn't try, it must be a national problem and it can be a social conflict, we can make a fuss between us if there is no food," said Amran.

Minister of Agriculture Amran accompanied by Regent Demak Eisti'anah and Regional Secretary of Central Java Province Sumarno directly inspected a number of agricultural land flooded in the Demak area.

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