JAKARTA - Alcoholic drinks are one of the most popular and popular drinks by people around the world and one of them is beer where many beer industries try to create different flavors that inspire consumer tastes.

One of them is the alcoholic beverage producer PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk (MLBI), as Indonesia's favorite beer brand, BINTANG's beer continues to strengthen its business where last year it issued a new variant, namely the Red Wine STAR which presents a new experience in enjoying specially designed beer with the combination of flavors of Bintang beer, sweet and fresh, and the aroma of red wine.

The innovation is a step from Bintang beer to answer consumer needs for a wide selection of drinks in enjoying a different taste from #Beda Serunya Bareng BINTANG Red Wine.

For information, MLBI recorded that MLBI's net sales increased 7.14 percent on an annual basis (yoy) to IDR 2.27 trillion in the third quarter of 2023 when compared to the third quarter of 2022 of IDR 2.11 trillion.

Meanwhile, the profit attributable to owners of the parent entity amounted to IDR 692.74 billion in the third quarter of 2023. This figure is up 14 percent (yoy) compared to the same period in 2022 of IDR 606.61 billion.

Then, Multi Bintang Indonesia currently has five products, including Pilsener Stars, Crystal Stars, Radler Stars, 0.0 percent Stars, and Red Wine Stars.

The main target of the Multi Bintang Indonesia market is that all generations, especially in the younger generation who want to always follow the latest developments, where the Red Wine Star can be one of the main choices for the younger generation in enjoying all the atmospheres wherever they are.

Various activities can be carried out when gathering with friends, such as playing games and celebrating special moments. To create this moment, red wine star beer can be one of the options to fill the excitement and joy.

Young people who were previously accustomed to combining beer with red wine now in the face of the 2024 resolution, have been able to feel these two flavors in one packaging. The fresh combination of beer and red wine can be friends in all situations so that the moment of togetherness becomes more fun and fun with friends.

BINTANG beer is also suitable to accompany the enthusiasm of young people to express themselves through music festivals. Along with the excitement and excitement of the music festival, BINTANG Beer can be a suitable choice to be a companion and accompany the atmosphere at the music festival.

In addition, the Red Wine STAR can also be a suitable companion with a partner at night while enjoying the atmosphere, as a refresher drink by eating dinner.

To enjoy the moment of BINTANG Red Wine presents two measures, namely, large bottle sizes (620ml) and small bottles (330ml).

All beer is made from malt made from wheat or sometimes black wheat. Malt is made by letting your clothes sprout, then drying it at the pin.

The sub-district process produces several enzymes, especially fire-amilase and fire-amilase, which will be used to convert the star in the chip into sugar.

Previously, the process of making beer was carried out using raw materials, including water, barleys, hops and yaasts (ragi).

Here are the details. The first beer consists of 90 percent water, and Barley is a family of wheat which has an important role in the provision of colors, flavors and various components of alcohol in beer.

The next ingredient is Hops which is used for natural fermentation processes, especially using female hops plants that serve as preservatives and bitter flavor givers and flavors in beer. Then Yeast is an organism that activates the fermentation process during the brewing manufacturing process that will convert the sugar from barley into alcohol, CO2 and flavor in beer.

Meanwhile, the process of making beer consists of several long stages, namely the first step with malt being milled around, resulting in a rough milling of malt or called malt grease.

Furthermore, malt grease is mixed and destroyed with hot water to become a mash or wheat porridge where there are several enzymeic processes that turn mash into sugar compounds so that they are easily fermented.

Then filtered using a powder filter to separate its skin and channel it into a reservoir tank called a crewing cooper so as to remove a clear extract liquid called wort from the filtering results.

Next, the wort is heated and adds hops as a typical flavorer or flavor of beer and after going through the process the wort is transferred to a large tank to be cleared.

Cleared Wort will be combined with yust to start the fermentation process where in the process it will be cooled at a temperature of 7 degrees Celsius to 10 degrees Celsius to reach the ideal temperature for Yyast to carry out the fermentation process.

In the fermentation process it will last for a week or several weeks in a maintained temperature and once the fermentation process is complete, the beer will be stored in a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius in the tank for several days.

Finally, the beer will be filtered to separate the beer from the yust so that clarity and color that suits the standard are determined. Then it will be distributed to a clear beer storage called a bright beer tank and ready to be sent to the packaging section.

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