JAKARTA - The Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) of PT Hutama Karya (Persero) or HK will start operating the Binjai-Langsa Toll Road Section Kuala Bingai- Tanjung Pura without tariffs today, Monday, January 29.

Citing information shared by the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) on its official website, the Kuala Bingai-Tanjung Pura toll road has a total length of 19 kilometers (km).

"PT Hutama Karya will operate without the Binjai-Langsa Toll Road, Kuala Bingai-Tanjung Pura Section for 19 km starting January 29, 2024, at 07.00 WIB," wrote BPJT management.

This operation connects the 12.3 km Binjai-Stabat section which has been operated in advance since February 2022 and the 7.55 km Stabat-Kuala Bingai section since September 2023.

Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary Hutama Karya Tjahjo Purnomo said this operation followed the pocketing of the Operational Eligibility Certificate (SLO) which was issued on December 27, 2023 and the issuance of the Ministerial Decree (Kepmen) of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Number 15/KPTS/M/2024 concerning the Stipulation of the Operation of the Binjai-Langsa Toll Road Section Kuala Bingai-Tanjung Pura.

"Previously, this toll section had been tested first during the Christmas and New Year holidays by being operated functionally for more than two weeks from 23 December 2023 to 10 January 2024 and had been passed by more than 100,000 vehicles smoothly and with zero accidents," said Tjahjo.

Seeing the high enthusiasm of the community at the last Christmas and New Year's functional and significant travel time cuts, Hutama Karya is ready to operate this toll road in terms of facilities and the readiness of officers in the field.

He added that during the time of operating without tariffs, Hutama Karya would conduct massive socialization regarding driving rules on toll roads.

During operating without this tariff, Tjahjo said, his party will also socialize driving rules on toll roads.

"Although the surrounding community has studied the rules a lot, considering that previously 2 sections have been operated so that they understand that the rules on toll roads are quite different from national roads, especially regarding the use of electronic money cards to the regulations for changing vehicles," he said.

Although the tariff has not yet been determined, toll road users still have to tap electronic money cards, especially users who pass from Kuala Bingai to Tanjung Pura or vice versa through the Binjai-Stabat and Stabat-Kuala Bingai Sections, which is the Binjai-Langsa section of Binjai-Stabat which is still subject to normal tariffs because it has been operating at tariffs for a long time.

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