Tommy Suharto's Assets Have Not Been Sold, The Ministry Of Finance Will Again Auction This Year
Director of Auction for DJKN Ministry of Finance Joko Prihanto (left). (Photo: Doc. Antara)

The Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance (DJKN Kemenkeu) will again auction off assets belonging to Tommy Suharto which were confiscated by the Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI Task Force).

Director of Auction for DJKN at the Ministry of Finance Joko Prihanto said Tommy Suharto's assets, which were auctioned for IDR 2.06 trillion with assets covering an area of more than 120 hectares and so far these assets have not been sold.

"It hasn't been sold yet, it will be rescheduled in 2024", he told the media crew, Thursday, January 25, 2024.

Joko Prihanto said that until now no offers have been submitted due to price problems to the assumption that they are problematic goods.

"One may be because of the price. The second may be thought to be problematic. But usually, the name of the auction is also the confiscation of the prosecutor's office. But maybe we haven't got the right buyer," Joko explained.

Previously, the assets of PT Timor Putra Nasional owned by Tommy Suharto had been auctioned three times, the last one being carried out on June 17, 2022.

Meanwhile, the Government has lowered the limit value or the minimum price of goods to IDR 2.06 trillion from the first auction value of IDR 2.42 trillion, and the second value of IDR 2.15 trillion.

In addition, the nominal security deposit set was initially IDR 1 trillion in the first auction, then in the second auction it was IDR 430.2 billion, and the third auction fell again to IDR 420 billion.

The following is a list of assets belonging to Tommy Suharto that have not been sold and auctioned based on

1. Land SHGB Number 4 or Kamojing on behalf of PT KIA Timor Motors covering an area of 530,125,526 square meters located in Kamojing Village.

2. Land SHGB Number 22 or Kalihurip in the name of PT KIA Timor Motors covering an area of 98,896,700 m2 located in Kalihurip Village.

3. Land SHGB Number 5 or Cikampek Pusaka on behalf of PT KIA Timor Motors covering an area of 100,985.15 m2 located in Cikampek Pusaka Village.

4. Land SHGB Number 3 or Kamojing on behalf of PT Timor Industri Components covering an area of 518,870 m2 is located in Kamojing Village.

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