JAKARTA - Prabowo, Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) held a Joint Christmas Celebration of the Ministry of SOEs and SOEs in 2023.

One of the invitees to attend the event was Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto.

Apart from Prabowo, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas is also scheduled to attend. Yaqut, who first arrived together with Erick Thohir, welcomed Prabowo's presence.

The 2023 Christmas Celebration event will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, Monday, January 15. The event is scheduled to start at 15.30 WIB.

"This is like a national Christmas (celebration), Mr. Erick also invited the Minister of Religion, he also invited the Minister of Defense Pak Prabowo to attend this event," said Arya at the Christmas celebration of the Ministry of SOEs and SOEs at JCC, Jakarta, Monday, January 15.

Arya said, this Christmas celebration was attended by around 7,000 SOE employees in Jabodetabek. Not only employees, said Arya, Erick also invited all the president directors of SOEs to attend the Christmas celebrations of the Ministry of SOEs and SOEs.

This event, continued Arya, shows Erick's commitment to supporting a comfortable work environment as well as tolerance between religious believers in the BUMN environment.

Minister Erick, continued Arya, also fully supports the BUMN Christmas celebration.

"The Minister of SOEs really loves us. Mr. Erick really loves us, this is how we feel at the Ministry of SOEs, he is so dear and asks to hold Christmas celebrations every year. He also asked us to make Christian associations in BUMN," he said.

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