JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries optimizes the Smart Fisheries Village (SFV) Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) at the Gondol Marine and Fishery Counseling Research Center (BBRBLPP) in Buleleng, Bali

At the Sea Budi Daya SFV Exposure, the achievement of non-tax state revenue (PNBP) in 2023 reached IDR 788,896,900 or 151.71 percent of the PNBP target in 2023.

This achievement shows an increase when compared to the previous year's achievement. The achievement of the SFV Budi Daya Laut PNBP in 2022 is at IDR 442,540,928.

Head of the Maritime and Fisheries Human Resources Development Agency (BPPSDM KP) I Nyoman Radiarta emphasized that the essence of SFV UPT is asset optimization.

Through this program, the government can increase PNBP and make it a model/showcase for marine cultivation businesses that can be adopted by the community.

"One of the objects of PNBP is the management of state assets or goods (BMN). These state assets have a direct role to play in improving the welfare of the community, which is the output of economic growth," Nyoman said in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, January 10.

In its implementation, the SFV Budi Daya Laut BBRBLPP, which is UPT BPPSDM KP, has a focus on developing marine cultivation, especially the big white, milkfish, kerapu, crabs, crabs and vaname shrimp.

The increase in PNBP is obtained from the optimization of assets, of which currently SFV Budi Daya Laut BBRBLPP Gondol has assets spread across three locations, namely in Penyabangan Village, Sumberkima Village and Pejarakan Village.

Pembangan Village is the main facility for sea cultivation. In this village, there are various facilities and infrastructure (sarpras) to support marine cultivation.

The Sarpras included four cubic 100 meter (m) pools and four pools measuring about 20 m cubic.

All of these ponds are used for the maintenance of the parent company (broodstock center), marine fish hatchery (larval rearing) for the maintenance of seeds and the use of big white and fish, marine fish (nursery) which produce fish seeds in various sizes and laboratories specifically for natural feed from marine species for pure culture and mass culture.

Meanwhile, in Sumberkima Village, SFV BBRBLPP has an Floating Net Cage (KJA) installation supported by KJA High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) with 16 holes.

Meanwhile, in Pejarakan Village, the SFV BBRBLPP program has a pond installation containing 13 plots with a total area of 50,020 square meters.

From these assets, SFV Budi Daya Laut has succeeded in implementing the master management. As a result, the fish mother that is kept is able to colonize and produce eggs that are used in the treatment business other than being sold as PNBP.

The achievement of production from the parent management business in 2023 for milkfish egg production reached Rp122,400,000 and the production of big fish eggs reached Rp30,500,000.

In addition to PNBP, part of the production of SFV in the form of eggs is also given to plasma groups as an accountability for corporate social responsibility (CSR).

As for 2023, SFV Budi Daya Laut became a practice location for 91 students.

In order to deal with the 5.0 era, SFV Budi Daya Laut implemented digitalization through the implementation of the UPT BBRBLPP SFV dashboard which can be monitored online integrated on the BBRBLPP website.

In addition, automation of production activities is also carried out by monitoring water quality. Monitoring results can be seen in real-time through the Jala application on smartphones or through web dashboards.

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