JAKARTA - Food SOE Holding, ID FOOD hopes that the beef import assignment letter can be issued this week. This assignment is considered important for the company to prepare beef supply in Ramadan 1446 H or March 2024.

ID FOOD President Director, Frans Marganda Tambunan explained that ID FOOD will receive an assignment to import 20,000 million tons of beef this year. This assignment is also to meet the needs of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr 2024.

Approximately (assuming beef imports) of 20,000 tons throughout the year. We got Brazil," he said when met at Waskita Rajawali Tower, Jakarta, Monday, January 8.

Therefore, Frans hopes that the assignment of beef imports can be issued in the third week of January 2024. That way, Frans said he could immediately execute the assignment.

"We are waiting for several assignments related to stabilization to be executed as soon as possible. Especially if you want to secure supplies during fasting and Eid this year," he said.

Not only from Brazil, but Frans also said that he would explore cooperation in importing beef with Australia. However, Frans said the scheme would be different from Brazil. Where it will be used later is business to business (B2B).

"Australia is B2B. No need for our assignment to be able to import it," he explained.

In addition to importing beef, Frans also said that he would cooperate with Perum Bulog to distribute imported buffalo meat from India. The assignment for buffalo meat imports is under Perum Bulog.

For your information, the government will import as much as 150,000 tons of buffalo meat from India through Perum Bulog this year.

"Later we will partner with Bulog, help with distribution. It can be (assuming buffalo meat imports) Bulog," he said.

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