JAKARTA - The public's interest in turning to electric motorcycles has not been as expected by the government.

The reason is, until January 4, 2024, it was recorded that 11,532 subsidized electric motorcycles had just been sold.

Meanwhile, the quota for the electric motor subsidy for 2023 itself is 200,000 units. So that the number of subsidies for 2024 has increased.

Based on the Information System page for the Purchase of Two-wheeled Electric Vehicles (SISAPIRa), a total quota for 2024 of 400,000 units was added with the remaining quota for 2023 to 590,475 units.

Responding to this, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Electric Motorcycle Industry Association (Aismoli) Budi Setiyadi said, there were three things that caused the electric motorcycle subsidy quota to not reach the target by the end of 2023.

First, from the government side. Budi said that the regulations made by the government had changed.

This condition takes quite a long time for the sales process of the electric motor itself.

"In my opinion, the government is very committed and very consistent in encouraging the purchase of motorized vehicles with a subsidy program, it's just that the government needs time to make regulations and improvements. The regulation, right, had undergone two changes," Budi said when contacted by VOI, Thursday, January 4.

"Then, after the regulation is finished, right, there must also be adjustments on the side of the application built by Surveyor Indonesia. That, right, it will also take time to adjust to existing regulations," he continued.

Budi said that when the government began to perfect the regulation, it would take a long time to delay the sales process of electric motorcycles.

"(For the improvement of regulations) it will take time. This means that the time for the sales process, if it was effective in June, there may have been a sales process. But, not until mid-December. This means that the time has decreased by a few weeks," he said.

Second, from an industrial perspective. Budi assessed that the downstream infrastructure of electric motors itself is not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. This means that there are no electric motor dealers in each region.

"As for these subsidized vehicles, right, not all of them have dealers. So, this affects people's access to subsidized electric motorcycles, it's not so fast," he said.

In addition, Budi said that until now there are still few types of electric motorcycles and not too many Domestic Component Levels (TKDN).

According to him, this can affect people's interest in having the desired electric motor.

"Well, maybe (the interest) of the community is also (still lacking). Let's say the public has seen it, but how come the type is not suitable, it could then cancel (the purchase)," he said.

"This means that in terms of industry, only 16 electric motorcycle factories are already TKDN, but the type is only around 40. I have already said that the dealers are not evenly distributed in all regions, there are not many types," added Budi.

The third is from the community side itself. According to Budi, there are still many people who do not know about the electric motorcycle subsidy program.

"In my opinion, there are still many (communities) who do not know that there is government assistance with Rp. 7 million, because the problem is that there are also no dealers. Well, maybe this has resulted in all of the purchases or quotas being absorbed," he concluded.

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