PT PLN (Persero) built a Public Electric Car Charging Station (SPKLU) at the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Office.

Just so you know, the Ministry of SOEs has started using electric cars as official vehicles for Echelon I and Echelon II officials.

To support the implementation of the use of electric cars within the Ministry of SOEs, PLN built a Fast Charging SPKLU at the Ministry of SOEs Office and home charging for charging at the residence of BUMN officials.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prosodjo said PLN's commitment to continue to support the government in energy transition efforts through the development of infrastructure supporting the electric car ecosystem.

"We continue to accelerate the growth of the electric car ecosystem. Today the Ministry of SOEs is starting to use electric cars as operational vehicles, therefore we collaborate to provide infrastructure," said Darmawan.

As of December 2023, more than 900 SPKLUs have operated in 411 locations throughout Indonesia. Of these total, 624 SPKLUs are managed by PLN.

As for the details, Banten 26 SPKLU, Jakarta 113 SPKLU, West Java 150 SPKLU, Central Java and DIY 50 SPKLU, East Java 62 SPKLU, Bali 63 SPKLU, Sumatra 62 SPKLU, Kalimantan 37 SPKLU, Sulawesi 27 SPKLU, Nusa Tenggara 25 SPKLU, Maluku 5 SPKLU, and Papua 2 SPKLU.

To accelerate SPKLU growth, PLN opens collaboration with various parties, especially business actors, banks, malls, offices, private sectors, transportation service operators and others.

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