PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has prepared a subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizer stock of 1,741,050 tons to maintain availability at the end of 2023.

Marketing Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia Tri Wahyudi Saleh asked all distributors and kiosks to distribute the fertilizer to farmers in accordance with the provisions promised in the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPJB).

Tri also appealed to all distributors and official kiosks that have been appointed by Pupuk Indonesia to work according to the provisions and pledges of distributors that have been pronounced at the time of signing the SPJB in Batam, some time ago.

"As the executor in the distribution of subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizers, it is our common responsibility to ensure that the distribution process runs smoothly and on target," he said, quoting Antara.

Pupuk Indonesia, he said, has coordinated with a number of stakeholders to ensure the smooth distribution of fertilizers to farmers throughout the country.

Saleh said that Pupuk Indonesia is trying to meet national fertilizer needs and ensure the availability and distribution of subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizers through its five subsidiary fertilizer producers.

As of December 29, 2023, the availability of subsidized fertilizers and non-subsidized fertilizers was recorded at 1,741,050 tons. This figure consists of 1,213,609 tons of subsidized fertilizer and 527,441 tons of non-subsidized fertilizer.

As for the details, urea subsidies 782,796 tons and NPK subsidies 430,813 tons. Meanwhile, urea non-subsidized 439,127 tons and non-subsidized NPK 88,314 tons.

The availability of subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizers is equivalent to 200 percent of the minimum stock provisions set by the government.

As of December 28, 2023, 6,175,494 tons of subsidized fertilizer have been distributed to farmers throughout Indonesia. The details are 3,668,872 tons of urea fertilizer and 2,506,623 tons of NPK.

According to Tri, the distribution of subsidized fertilizers is an effort to support the government's program to accelerate planting to increase the productivity of food crops.

This subsidy fertilizer is given to registered farmers who meet the requirements in accordance with the provisions in the Minister of Agriculture Regulation (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022.

Subsidized fertilizer recipients are required to become members of farmer groups, registered in the Agricultural Extension Management Information System (Simlutan) and the Ministry of Agriculture's system allocation, and have a maximum land area of two hectares.

Types of strategic plants that are entitled to receive fertilizer subsidies include rice, corn, soybeans, chilies, shallots, garlic, coffee, sugar cane, and cocoa.

Pupuk Indonesia appealed to all distributors and kiosks to pay attention to applicable regulations, especially regarding the distribution or redeemation of subsidized fertilizers.

Tri stated that subsidized fertilizers can only be redeemed at official kiosks according to the Highest Retail Price (HET).

Pupuk Indonesia, said Tri, did not hesitate to impose strict sanctions on distributors and kiosk partners to be proven to have violated the applicable regulations.

"The availability and distribution of subsidized fertilizers that are right on target is an important part in supporting the level of national food security, especially in the midst of this planting season. Pupuk Indonesia will take firm action, giving serious sanctions to parties who are proven to have abused their authority in the process of meeting the needs of national subsidized fertilizers," he said.

Tri said that Pupuk Indonesia coordinates with both the government and other stakeholders to ensure subsidized fertilizers are distributed on time and on target.

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