JAKARTA PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia or InJourney officially formed a Subholding Airport Cluster. The process of integrating BUMN airport managers occurred after the InJourney General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).

Where InJourney officially formed PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia (InJourney Airports) and PT Integration Aviasi Solusi or InJourney Aviation Services (IAS) as Subholding in the InJourney Group.

This formation was marked by a thanksgiving attended by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, and President Director of InJourney Dony Oskaria, in Jakarta, Thursday, December 28.

InJourney President Director Dony Oskaria said the establishment of InJourney Airports would make airports in the management of the InJourney Group healthier and more profitable.

Dony said the various steps that will be taken by InJourney Airports are by improving services, transforming business strategies, and strengthening operational quality in order to make the airport a face of the nation.

"With InJourney Airports, it will increase hospitality for passengers by providing more memorable experience to airport service users such as a more attractive fit out, tenant mixing is of higher quality, and pampers service users with full-hearted service," Dony said in an official statement, Thursday, December 28.

Dony explained that InJourney Airports will handle a total of 172 million passengers per year and will be in 5th place with the world's largest airport operator companies, beating both Airports (France) and GMR Group (India). In the next few years, InJourney Airports will be the 3rd largest airport management company in the world.

"We hope that the establishment of InJourney Airports will improve the quality of service so that tourists will get the same impression and experience when they are at all airports in Indonesia through standardization of the operating and policy system later," said Dony.

In addition, continued Dony, all these transformation efforts will provide a variety of new benefits that can be felt by the community, especially in providing services for airport service users.

"With airport integration, it will certainly improve domestic and international connectivity, improve customer service quality, and strengthen the company's financial performance," said Dony.

Meanwhile, IAS is engaged in aviation, cargo and logistics supporting services to carry out transformations with more effective and efficient business chains. InJourney Airport Services will strengthen its main business portfolio, Cargo & Logistics; Ground Handling; Hospitality; and Operations Support that provide professional services and produce competitive products for the Indonesian market and global markets.

"Through simplification of the company structure and business processes, this synergy and transformation make IAS a potential to become a Top 5 Global Player in the aviation and cargo service industry and will be side by side with Dnata, Swissport, Menzies, Fraport and SATS," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said the Ministry of SOEs continues to consolidate and simplify the number of SOEs according to the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to accelerate national economic growth.

"The formation of InJourney Airports will have a positive impact on the proportion of GDP sourced from the tourism sector from 5 percent to 10 percent. We will encourage the tourism sector to become the locomotive of the economy and airports to become an important component in this," said Kartika.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi hopes that the arrangement and strengthening of this business group portfolio can support the Ministry of Transportation to provide service standardization.

"With the arrangement and strengthening of the business group portfolio to become an InJourney Airports, all efforts by the Ministry of Transportation to provide standardization of reliable and competitive airport and air transportation services will be easier and more quickly realized," said Budi.

The Board of Directors and Commissioners of PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia (InJourney Airports) are:

President Director: Faik Fahmi

Director of Strategy and Technology Development: Ferry Kusnowo

Commercial Director: Muhammad Rizal Fahlevi

Human Capital Director: Achmad Syahir

Director of Operations: Wendo Asrul Rose

Technical Director: Muhammad Suriawan Wakan

Director of Finance & Risk Management: Yanindya Bayu Wirawan

President Commissioner: Novie Riyanto Rahardjo

Commissioner: Cahyo Rahardian Muzhar

Independent Commissioner: Achmad Syah Reza

Independent Commissioner: Djamaluddin

Meanwhile, the Board of Directors and Commissioners of PT Integration Aviasi Solusi are:

President Director: Dendi T. Danianto

Director of Integration and Portfolio: Danny P. Thaharsyah

Commercial Director: Muhammad Putra Pariadi

Human Capital Director: Israwadi

Director Of Finance And Risk Management: Teaching Setiadi

President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner: Danang Parikesit

Independent Commissioner: Tubagus Fiki Chikara Satari

Commissioner: Elen Setiadi

Independent Commissioner: Pardiman

Commissioner Indpenden: Agus Santoso

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