JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) through the Maritime and Fisheries Human Resources Counseling and Development Agency (BPPSDM) developed a Low Carbon feed (LoCa Feed), which is a fish feed product from a magazine, which utilizes organic waste from food remains into quality and high-protein feed.

Head of the BPPSDM Fisheries Research Center Yayan Hikmayani said, LoCa Feed is a fish feed product that limits environmental influences from production, processing, preparation, packaging, to waste.

"This is in line with the KKP's priority program in implementing Blue Economy and supporting the implementation of the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework which was officially adopted at the ASEAN Summit in Jakarta in September 2023. The Jargon that was carried was Today Waste, Tomorrow Protein," Yayan said in a written statement, Tuesday, December 19.

It is known, this Maggot, which is produced from black fly eggs Black Soldier Fly (BSF), is very active in eating organic waste. This bioconversion process by this magazine can degrade food waste more quickly, odorlessly, and its larvae can be a good source of protein for fish feed.

This product is the result of innovation from the Joint Food Organic Reprocess (OKSobat) program through the Smart Fisheries Village (SFV) activity of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) at the Miniplant of Low Carbon Feed Indonesia at the Center for Biological Fish Cultivation Research (BRBIH) Depok, West Java.

There are a number of products that have been produced by the LoCa Feed, namely the first LoCa Feed Dried or dry maggot which is processed through equitable warming until this product makes ornamental fish healthier and the performance of the fish color brighter.

Second, the LoCa Feed Plate with a formulation of various raw materials of choice to produce the best quality performance of ornamental fish feed supplements.

Third, there is also the Granul LoCa Feed, which is a derivative product of the granul variant of the magazine which is suitable for fish or small ornamental fish feed. This product is made of 100 percent maggots.

Fourth, LoCa Feed Powder, is a powder variant product that can be used directly as fish use

Fifth, there is LoCa Soil which is a side product of former maggot cultivation (LoCa Soil).

This product is useful as a fertilizer for adding nutrients to plants.

There are a number of advantages to this product, namely nutritional value, pathogen-free, and affordable and environmentally friendly prices with low-emission (low carbon) methods.

The Miniplant of Low Carbon Feed itself was launched on December 6, 2023 by BPPSDM at the 2023 Hias and Manggot (IMAGO) Fair at BRBIH Depok.

"We launched the Miniplant of Low Carbon Feed Indonesia by carrying out food organic waste processing activities in producing maggots. BRBIH has collaborated with various hotels for the procurement of raw materials as a medium for cultivation," said Yayan.

Miniplant itself is a prototype industrialization of LoCa fish feed production through the production of quality fish feed and based on local raw materials that are environmentally friendly from upstream to downstream, ranging from the supply of raw materials, production of magazines to the manufacture of derivative products.

The presence of the Miniplant of Low Carbon Feed ensures the availability of maggots as feed and an alternative protein source for fishery cultivation.

To note, this miniplant has three units, namely production units, partnerships and development, as well as training and education units.

In the production unit, Maggot production is carried out with a scope of activities to supply raw materials for the production of maggots, Breeding Center Black Soldier Fly, live and frozen maggot production, and maggot derivative products.

Meanwhile, the partnership and development units initiated the formation of start-ups and the Maggot industry in Indonesia through and the construction of partnership networks in various regions.

Thus ensuring the availability of beards as feed and an alternative source of protein for fishery cultivation.

Meanwhile, the training and education unit is used as a training and learning center for maggots as feed for fish cultivators and the general public.

"The provision of organic waste from food for miniplants includes four hotels in Depok in collaboration with BRBIH, namely the Bumi Wiyata Hotel, Savero Hotel, Santika Hotel, and Fave Hotel," he added.

The four hotels have signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) on Human Resources Development and Provision of Raw Materials for Organic Food Organic Remaining at the Oke Sobat Program.

PT Green Prosa also visited PKS regarding the development of product downstream and Miniplant of Low Carbon Feed Indonesia to support SFV.

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