JAKARTA - The presidential candidate (candidate) number three Ganjar Pranowo told about the visit he had made to Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, recently. He said the people in the area complained about the uneven infrastructure.
"When we talk today, we want to be evenly distributed, the complaints from areas in remote areas are that you are fast on the toll road, from Jakarta wus directly to East Java. We (in Balikpapan) do not exist," said Ganjar in the dialogue agenda of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) entitled "Capres 2024 Roadmap for the Indonesian Economy 2024-2029" in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Monday, December 11.
In addition, said Ganjar, many people also complained about the scarcity of gasoline in the area.
"Yesterday we were in Balikpapan, the motorcycle taxi driver said there was no gasoline and we had to queue long. There was a source, a smelter, distribution, and there was a shortage there," he said.
Seeing this fact, Ganjar also revealed that he was determined to encourage industrialization to the regions. In line with that, he will try to encourage the development of human resources.
He also promised to provide incentives that encourage industrialization growth.
Not only industrialization, Ganjar emphasized that his party will focus on developing new and renewable energy (EBT). To support industrialization, he will focus on the unemployment rate and regional minimum wage.
"Thus, workers have guarantees. If (workers) are comfortable, the employers are also comfortable," he said.
Regarding poverty, said Ganjar, his party ensures that it will maintain subsidies and other assistance for the underprivileged. "When we talk about poverty, aid, subsidies where they are," he said.
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