Replace Hendri Mulya Syam, Nugroho Appointed As President Director Of Telkomsel
Photo: Doc. Telkomsel

JAKARTA - Nugroho was officially appointed as President Director of PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) as of today.

The appointment of Nugroho is in line with the resignation of Hendri Mulya Syam from that position.

The decision to appoint Nugroho has been approved by Telkom and Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (SingTel) as Telkomsel shareholders has been effective since December 8.

"As the parent and majority shareholder, Telkom believes this change in Telkomsel management is a positive step to strengthen the company's transformation and performance steps, especially regarding Fixed Mobile Convergence," said Telkom VP Corporate Communication & Investor Relations, Ahmad Reza in an official statement, Friday, December 8.

In the board of directors, continued Reza, Nugroho, who previously filled the position as Director of Network was replaced by Indra Mardiatna.

In addition, Telkomsel also overhauled the commissioner by appointing Sarwoto Atmosutarno to replace Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati.

"This will be a good start for Telkomsel to welcome 2024," he said.

Thus, for the current composition of the Commissioner of Telkomsel as follows:

President Commissioner: Wishnutama Kusubandio

Commissioner: Heri Supriadi

Commissioner: Yose Rizal

Commissioner: Sarwoto Atmosutarno

Commissioner: Yuen Kuan Moon

Commissioner: Anna Badminton

Meanwhile, for the current composition of the Telkomsel Board of Directors, the full details are:

President Director: Nugroho

Director of Finance and Risk Management: Mohamad Ramzy

Sales Director: Adiwinahyu Basuki Sigit

Network Director: Indra Mardiatna

Planning & Transformation Director: Wong Soon Nam

Director of Information Technology: Bharat Alva

Marketing Director: Derrick Heng

Director of Human Capital Management: R. Muharam Perbawamukti

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