JAKARTA - The stunting food program (PMT) in Depok City has sparked a polemic. This is because the food menu given contains only soup, tofu and nuggets. In fact, the budget for one food package reaches Rp. 18,000.

Responding to this polemic, Indonesian House of Representatives member Intan Fauzi collaborated with partners of Commission VI of the House of Representatives, namely State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Rajawali Nasional Indonesia (RNI)-ID Food and PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) handed over around 5,000 aid packages.

The aid packages provided were in the form of one fresh chicken and one chicken egg tray which contained 10 grains per family. The assistance was given in stages from Wednesday 22 November to Friday 24 November in Beji, Bojongsari, Cilodong, Cimanggis, Cinere, Cipayung, Limo, Pancoran, Sawangan, Sukmajaya and Tapos sub-districts.

Intan hopes that the food assistance provided can handle stunting in Depok City. Although he admitted that the stunting rate in the city was good.

"Although the stunting rate in Depok City is good, still nutritious food consumption is very much needed for the community," he said in an official statement, Friday, November 24.

Regarding the stunting management program, Intan said that it must be carried out collaboratively, from the center down and involving local governments and SOEs.

Therefore, he assessed that stunting management cannot be carried out alone by the Depok City Government. Especially if you talk about the allocation of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), the amount is inadequate.

"The budget allocation from the city government, then supported by the budget from the state budget and assistance from SOEs, will certainly be maximized in the implementation of stunting," said Intan.

For your information, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) himself is also very concerned about reducing the stunting rate in Indonesia, even setting a target for a decline of 14 percent until 2024. He also asked that the stunting reduction intervention program be carried out immediately in an integrated and targeted manner.

Especially for the involvement of SOEs, Intan stated that the state-owned state-owned company is not only looking for profit in running its business wheels. However, there is also a social function, one of which is to eradicate stunting in the midst of society.

"I ask that the mandate of the government program be utilized properly and correctly, for maximum nutrition for our children so that they will become great leaders in the future," he said.

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