JAKARTA - The government's spending on goods and services on MSME products by 40 percent is considered to be a pulse as well as a catalyst for the national development process.

"I believe this event will not only have a significant impact on the procurement sector in Indonesia, but also become a catalyst for wider changes in national development," said Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki in a written statement received by VOI, Wednesday, November 8.

Minister Teten said the Government Goods Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) had revealed the potential for significant domestic product purchases in the General Procurement Plan (RUP) reaching Rp810.91 trillion.

This illustrates a strong commitment to supporting domestic purchases and developing MSMEs.

"This figure motivates us to continue to strengthen our procurement mechanism. In this spirit, we invite all parties to be able to collaborate in overcoming this challenge, and innovate together to unite in advancing the procurement of more optimal, transparent, and fair goods and services for all," he said.

Teten mengatakan, pada 2022, Indonesia menghadapi tantangan dengan lebih dari halapan transaksi belum tercatat di SPSE. Hal ini menunjukkan peluang besar yang belum dimanfaatkan, terutama dalam selfakelola dan pengadaan langsung.

He added that as many as 87 percent of MSMEs had been involved in e-catalogs with a large number of products, but many had not yet been sold.

"We need to address strategic issues such as market optimization for UMK products with low Domestic Content Level (TKDN) certification, low socialization of PBJ and TKDN, unequal empowerment of UMK to compete in the era of global disruption, and adaptation to rapid innovation," said Teten.

Furthermore, Teten said, his party continues to be committed to supporting the transformation of the procurement of goods and services, focusing on empowering MSMEs.

"We will strengthen the MSME cluster with solid business cooperation, competitive fiscal incentives, and adequate infrastructure. Efforts to modernize the electronic procurement system and implement affirmation policies will facilitate access and increase transparency, supported by information portals that facilitate access to procurement data," he said.

In addition, said Teten, it is necessary to optimize the national database of providers to ensure that the auction process runs smoothly.

"This coincides with efficient spending planning, strict supervision, and quality training for policymakers, which will ensure the effectiveness of policy implementation," he said.

According to Teten, every policy and business step that is carried out together is an investment for the future of the nation.

"We are not only building infrastructure and systems, but also building the dreams and aspirations of MSMEs to compete and triumph. Together, we will direct Indonesia to a more inclusive and sustainable prosperity," he added.

It is noted that MSME broadcast products in the e-log have increased.

If in 2022 there are still 2.4 million air products with transactions worth IDR 83.9 trillion.

Meanwhile, until October 27, 2023, it has reached 6.9 million broadcast products worth IDR 1,613 trillion.

Meanwhile, the procurement of GDP in 2022 is still 70 percent and on October 27, 2023, it has reached 90 percent.

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