JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) launched a new service at the Bogor Agro Industrial Services and Standardization Center (BBSPJIA) to increase industrial competitiveness and agro IKM in Indonesia through strengthening standardization.

It is known, the agro industry has contributed significantly to the second quarter of 2023 by 8.29 percent of the national GDP and contributed up to 50.87 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the non-oil and gas processing industry.

"As of August 2023, the agro industry has also become the largest contributor to the export achievements of the non-oil and gas processing industry with a value of 42.98 billion US dollars," said Head of the Ministry of Industry's Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) Andi Rizaldi in a written statement received by VOI, Friday, November 3.

Andi said, as one of the priority sectors in the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap, the agro industry needs the right development strategy and policy to improve its competitiveness and added value.

These strategic steps include utilization, provision and distribution of natural resources, international cooperation, fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, industrial human resources development, development and utilization of technology, and industrial standardization.

"For technology development policies and utilization as well as the application of industrial standardization, it is closely related to the duties and functions of technical implementing units at BBSPJIA Bogor," he said.

Therefore, BBSPJIA is determined to continue to improve the quality and quantity of its services and can develop new services, namely as a Reference Material Provider (PBA), a Halal Examining Agency (LPH), and an Independent Verification Institution (LVI), including holding a Business Gathering with the theme "Strengthening Standardization and Development of Technical Services to Support Agro Industry Competitiveness".

In addition to new LPH, PBA and LVI services, BBSPJIA has also launched the Kalibration Information System (SIKAL) service application as a supporter of calibration services, as well as e-Sertification as a supporter of product and system certification services.

Meanwhile, BBSPJIA Head Siti Rohmah Siregar hopes that service digitization can help customer partners to get services that are fast, accurate, transparent, accessible and easily accessible.

Siti said collaboration and synergy between stakeholders were key in the modern era in an effort to improve the quality and competitiveness of the national industry, including the agro industry.

"Therefore, BBSPJIA opens cooperation with local governments, academics and industry," he said.

On this occasion, BBSPJIA signed an MoU with a number of its customer partners, such as the Malang Regency Industry and Trade Office for cooperation in training the tobacco products industry batch 2, with the Kerinci District Industry and Trade Office for product testing, training, technology optimization and certification cooperation.

Then, with Perumda Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon for consulting/assistance cooperation in preparation for laboratory accreditation according to SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017), as well as with PT Sinergi Sugar Nusantara for cooperation in certification, testing, calibration and provision tests for 35 sugar factories.

According to Siti, in facing the challenges of competition and competition in the current globalization era, BBSPJIA as one of the BLU Mandiri work units (satker) under the Ministry of Industry continues to be committed to providing services in integrity and professional manner with the spirit of Synergy, Effective Professionals, Efficients, and Digitization (SPEED)

"Thus, BBSPJIA is expected to continue to move quickly in adapting, transforming, and innovating to meet the needs of customers or the agro industry which is very dynamic in line with the commitment of BBSPJIA Handal, Effective, Clean, Accurate, Trustworthy (HEBAT)," he added.

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