JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) recorded that the Indonesian stock market until October 27, 2023, weakened by 2.61 percent month to date (mtd) to the level of 6,758.79, with non-residents recording an outflow of Rp6.37 trillion until October 27, 2023.

Chief Executive of the Capital Market Supervisory, Derivative Finance and Carbon Exchange of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Inarno Djajadi said, along with the weakening of the global stock market, the Indonesian stock market still has several sectors in the JCI that are still strengthening, including the infrastructure and healthcare sectors.

"Several sectors in the JCI in October 2023 are still strengthening, including the infrastructure sector and the healthcare sector," said Inarno at a press conference, Monday, October 30.

As for years to date (ytd), the JCI weakened slightly by 1.34 percent with non-residents posting net sell of IDR 11.61 trillion compared to September 2023 of IDR 5.24 trillion ytd.

In terms of liquidity, the average stock market transaction in October 2023 fell to Rp10.32 trillion mtd, and ytd Rp10.47 trillion compared to September 2023 of Rp11.36 trillion, and also Rp10.49 trillion ytd.

In line with the global movement of the Government Securities (SBN) market as of October 26, 2023, it posted an outflow of foreign investors of IDR 13.63 trillion mtd temporarily when compared to September 2023, the outflow of IDR 23.3 trillion mtd.

"So that it encourages an increase in the yield of SBN 40.86 bps in all tenors. On a ytd yield SBN, the average increase is 25.48 bps in all tenors with non-residents recording a net buy of IDR 47.19 trillion ytd," he said.

Meanwhile, in the bond market, Inarno said, the bond market index or Indonesia Composite Bond Index (ICBI) on October 27, 2023 weakened 1.38 percent mtd, but ytd still strengthened 4.45 percent to 360.12 level when compared to September 2023, it weakened 1.18 percent mtd, but rose 5.91 percent ytd.

Inarno said that for the corporate bond market, the flow of non-resident or domestic investors was recorded at IDR 842.83 billion mtd, and ytd was still recorded as an outflow of IDR 1.67 trillion.

In the investment management industry, the value of Under Management (AUM) As of October 25, 2023 was recorded at IDR 824.24 trillion, down 0.40 percent ytd with a net asset value (NAB) of mutual funds recorded at IDR 499.5 trillion, down 1.33 percent mtd.

"However, mutual fund investors still recorded a net subscription of Rp5.18 trillion mtd, and in ytd NAB it increased 1.05 percent and recorded a net subscription of Rp13.12 trillion," he said.

Inarno said that the raising of funds in the capital market was still quite high, recorded at IDR 204.14 trillion with 68 new issuers recorded until October 27, 2023.

"This fund collection as of October has met the target achievement in 2023, meanwhile, there are still 97 public offering pipelines with an estimated indicative value of IDR 54.48 trillion, including the issuer's IPO plan of 65 new companies," he explained.

Meanwhile, for fundraising at Securities Crowdfunding (SCF), which is alternative funding for SMEs, until October 27, 2023, there are 16 organizers who have obtained permission from the OJK with 467 publishers, 164,000 investors, and the total funds raised are IDR 1.01 trillion.

Meanwhile, the Carbon Exchange since its launch from September 26, 2023 to October 27, 2023, has recorded 24 service users who have obtained permits. Whereas on September 26, 2023 there were only 16 service users with a total volume of 464,843 tons of CO2 equivalents and an accumulation of a value of Rp29.45 billion.

As for the details, 31.78 percent in the regular market, 5.48 percent in the negotiating market and 62.74 percent in the auction market.

Inarno said that in the future, the potential for carbon exchanges is still very large considering that there are 3,180 registrants registered in the National System for Climate Change Control (SRNPPI) and the high potential for carbon units to be offered.

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