JAKARTA - The loading and unloading activity at the PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN) was reopened by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) as of Monday, October 23, after previously closing it since June 30, 2022.
This is inseparable from the central role of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office (Kejagung RI) in helping KCN meet all legal requirements in order to reopen loading and unloading activities at the port located in Marunda Village, Cilincing District, North Jakarta.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Other Legal Actions and Legal Services of the Directorate of Legal Consideration of the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration, Irene Putri, said that KCN is a company that can be provided with mediation services by DATUN because it can be qualified as a subject to be given other legal actions in the form of Mediation and applications submitted, including within the scope of duties and authorities of the Civil and State Administration Division as regulated in the Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Prosecutor's Office Number 7 of 2021.
In addition, his party ensures the implementation of legal risk mitigation in the study of the opening of the KCN Terminal so that it can provide legal certainty in investing in Indonesia.
"We together with other regulators, namely the Environment Agency and the Transportation Service, ensure that all business channels are managed with risks and impacts on the minimum possible environment," he said when met at the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) event with the theme 'Environment Management and Monitoring at the Citra Nusantara Public Terminal of Marunda Port' which was held at the KCN Terminal at Marunda Port, North Jakarta, Monday, October 25.
As for legal risk mitigation, he continued, it aims to prevent conflict and extradition and create a conducive and anticipatory climate.
"So that in the future, investors can get legal certainty in doing business," he added.
Met on the same occasion, KCN President Director Widodo Setiadi welcomed the steps taken by the regulatory ranks in reviewing the opening of the KCN Terminal.
"The reopening of the KCN Terminal is also part of the synergy of various agencies that play a role, one of which is the Directorate of Civil and Administrative Legal Considerations at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office," he concluded.
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