JAKARTA - As a government agency, the People's Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) also helps independent workers in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) to find it easier to have the first residence.
"This is a program intended for independent workers who have never had access to unbankable financing so that they can get access to (bankable) financing, especially for people who are independent workers," said Deputy Commissioner for the Utilization of Tapera Funds Ariev Sultan Siregar in a written statement received by VOI, Saturday, October 21.
Ariev said that this financing is of course closely related to programs to increase regional inclusion and literacy, especially in North Sumatra Province.
This financing is of course closely related to programs to increase regional inclusion and literacy and it is hoped that the Tapera Home Savings Program can be included in the Regional Financial Access Acceleration Team (TPAKD) program in North Sumatra in 2024.
Independent workers such as online motorcycle taxis, MSMEs, service providers, street vendors, and so on are difficult to get quality housing, especially the difficulty of access and conditions that must be met to get housing financing facilities.
This is because independent workers do not have the required documents such as salary slips, work agreements and bank statements as a condition for documents in applying for housing financing facilities.
Overcoming this, BP Tapera collaborates with Bank BTN and the Development Association to accelerate the distribution of housing financing for Low-Income Communities (MBR) by creating a Tapera Home Savings (TRT) program, a program intended for independent workers who have never had access to unbankable financing so that they can get access to financing (bankable), especially for people who are independent workers.
Meanwhile, BP Tapera's Director of Participation Rio Sanggau said that the role of the MSME Association and independent workers is to socialize, record prospective independent worker participants and facilitate registration, so that with the active role of the association, more and more independent workers can have the first residence.
BP Tapera itself is a government agency appointed to channel subsidized housing financing for low-income people, especially for independent workers.
The presence of BP Tapera as a government agency is expected to be a leading program used to attract all elements of Indonesian society in owning housing, not only groups of people who have permanent income, but also groups of independent workers.
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