JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono together with Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Pratikno inspected the location for the construction of the Karangnongko Movement Dam in Ngelo Village, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java, on Thursday, October 19.

In the review, Basuki said that the construction of the Karangnongko dam project was so special.

This is because the construction of the dam is one of those who get permission directly and quickly from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"This is an exception, permission to leave the president directly to build Karangnongko. Meanwhile, there are no other (new development) dam projects," Basuki said in a written statement received by VOI, Friday, October 20.

Basuki assessed that the dam construction project in the Bojonegoro Regency area was carried out for good purposes.

Although, in the process of being worked on there are always problems, especially social problems. However, in the end the construction will run smoothly.

"There must be health problems, especially social problems, but we have built 61 dams and thank God everything went smoothly. I am sure that the construction of the Karangnongko Dam will run smoothly until it is finished," said Basuki.

He said that the construction of the Karangnongko Dam had long been planned to increase water supply for dry areas in Blora and Bojonegoro Regencies by stemming the Bengawan Solo River.

"Actually, the aspiration to build a dam This movement has been around for a long time, we can see directly around here, everything is dry and thick. There is no other way but there must be water," he said.

The Karangnongko Dam is a long storage that utilizes 24-kilometer motion building technology in the Bengawan Solo River, so that later it can accommodate water with a capacity of 59 million cubic meters.

"We first wake up in a dry area in the Bengawan Solo River, so it doesn't touch the community. If it's finished, we build a cofferdam to drain the water, then we build the dam," added Basuki.

Technically, the dam has an inundation area of 1,027 hectares (ha) to irrigate an irrigation area of 6,950 ha in Blora, Bojonegoro, and its surroundings.

The irrigation water supply of the Karangnongko Dam will be distributed through the Irrigation Area (DI) of Karangongko Kiri (Bora Regency) covering an area of 1,746 ha and DI Karangnongko Kanan (Bojonegoro Regency) covering an area of 5,203 ha.

The construction of Karangnongko was carried out in 2 work packages with an APBN budget of IDR 1.26 trillion. Package 1 contracted in September 2023 with service provider PT Waskita Karya (Persero)-PT Hutama Karya (Persero)-PT Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk. (KSO).

Meanwhile, Package 2 contracted in October 2023 with contractor PT Waskita Karya-PT Bangkit Berkah Perkasa-PT Kelman Infra Pratama (KSO). The Karangnongko Movement Dam is targeted for completion according to the contract in December 2026.

The Karangnongko Movement Dam will also be integrated with three Movement Dams downstream, namely the Bojonegoro Movement Dam, the Babat Movement Dam, and the Sembayat Movement Dam as water supply for irrigation and raw water needs of 1,155 liters per second in the downstream area of Bengawan Solo.

In addition, it is also projected to supply irrigation water in the Solo Valley area of Werken covering an area of 62,000 ha.

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