JAKARTA - Spotify officially announced the song Die with A Smile performed by Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars on the Billions Club playlist, meaning the song has won more than a billion streams.

The song, which was released on August 16, also recorded the record as the fastest song to reach one billion streams on November 20, 96 days after its release.

"We like to call it legendary behavior," Spotify wrote, citing an Instagram post caption, Thursday, November 21.

Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars also celebrated their achievements through Instagram uploads. Gaga also thanked everyone who had heard the song.

Die with A Smile has officially become the LAgu TERCEPAT IN HISTORY which reaches 1 BILLION STREAM on Spotify. I will greatly remember this moment," Lady Gaga wrote in the caption.

"I am very grateful to the monsters (fans) and hoodigans ( Bruno Mars fans), as well as many people around the world who fall in love with our songs. I feel very lucky," he added.

Meanwhile, Bruno via Insta Story, uploaded a photo of himself with Gaga with a statement stating that their collaborative song set a new record on Spotify.

For information, the success of Die with A Smile' also brought Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars into two nominations at the 2025 Grammy Awards, namely the Song of the Year and Bes Pop Duo Recording categories.

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