JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is intensifying research collaboration and developing technology, especially those related to industrial technology 4.0 to increase industrial productivity more efficiently so that it can be competitive.

Director of the Indonesian Digital Industry Center 4.0 (PIDI 4.0) Arnes Lukman said the government through the Ministry of Industry has built PIDI 4.0 to develop the application of industry 4.0 in Indonesia and already has 42 partners consisting of technology users, technology providers, higher education institutions, and other 4.0 stakeholders.

"PIDI 4.0 gives the highest appreciation to partners who have serious initiatives and commitments to cooperation in the field of industrial human resource development and industrial transformation," said Arnes in a written statement, on Wednesday, September 20.

Realizing the importance of partnerships in the application of industry 4.0 in Indonesia, PIDI 4.0 held a Business & Technology Matching with the theme Smart Technology for Industrial Resilience and Sustainability in the Era of Digital Transformation.

"Through this Business & Technology Matching activity, we hope that the central government, local governments, industrial practitioners, entrepreneurs from start-ups, academics, especially from polytechnics under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry's BPSDMI, Swiss German University, and other stakeholders can collaborate in research and technology development, especially those related to Industry 4.0 technology," he said.

Arnes said the activity encouraged the exchange of knowledge exchanges through seminars, networking, to business and technology matching.

There are several parties who are partners in this activity, including Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), Pertamina, Nodeflux, the Indonesian Industrial Digital Transformation Council (WANTRII), Starfindo, and Swiss German University.

Meanwhile, Director of Research and Community Services at Swiss German University Kholis Audah said, one of the goals of this business and technology matching activity is as an event to showcase research and innovation showcases.

"We convey to the industry steps to encourage the results of research and technology that have been made," he added.

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