JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif estimates that energy demand in the ASEAN region will increase by 13 percent.

This increase is in line with the prospect of Southeast Asian economic growth of 4.6 percent in 2023 and is projected to increase by 4.9 percent in 2024.

"Postile fuel is projected to continue to dominate the energy sector, with oil still making the largest contribution of 45.8 percent of energy consumption," Arifin said in his presentation at the PYC International Energy Conference 2023 event in Jakarta, Friday, September 15.

Arifin added that countries in ASEAN are endowed with diverse energy resources, especially renewable energy resources, which amount to more than 17,000 gigawatts (GW), most of which come from 15,602 GW of solar power and 1,255 GW of wind.

Meanwhile, gas reserves of around 130 Trillion Cubic Feet (TCF) mainly come from Indonesia 44 TCF, Malaysia 32 TCF, and Vietnam 22.8 TCF.

"ASEAN with enormous net and renewable energy resources has made its best efforts in implementing the energy transition to achieve Net Zero Emission in the middle of this century," Arifin continued.

The process towards NZE through the energy transition, he said, had been carried out by Indonesia to get to clean energy by 2060 or sooner by optimizing the use of renewable energy as a source of energy.

"For Indonesia, we have developed a road map for the transition energy to achieve a Clean Zero Emission by 2060 or sooner. In this roadmap, we aim to develop 700 GW of renewable energy in the energy mix, which comes from solar, water, sea, geothermal and nuclear power," continued Arifin.

In order to support ASEAN countries towards NZE, Indonesia plans to build a Super Grid to improve the development of renewable energy, while maintaining the stability and security of the electricity system.

This will open up opportunities to connect with the ASEAN Power Grid.

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