YOGYAKARTA If you are a banking service user, you must know the importance of updating customer data. Data updating must also be done by banks by verifying customer data. Then how important is the updating of customer data actually?

In general, updating customer data is an update made by financial services providers on their customers' personal data. Data updating is not only done by banks, but other financial service providers such as insurance providers.

The updating of customer data must be carried out by financial services by verifying the latest customer data. This is as regulated in the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No. 8 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Anti-Money Laundering Programs, Prevention of Terrorism Financing, and Prevention of Proliferation of Mass Destruction Weapons in the Financial Services Sector.

Usually the updating of customer data is done by updating personal data by filling in a form in which there are fields asking for names, email addresses, phone numbers, and so on. These data must be active and most recent.

Quoted from various sources, the updating of customer data has benefits and will be felt by the customer itself. The benefits to be obtained are as follows.

In a digital era like this, financial transactions are carried out digitally. To maintain transaction security, data updating must be done to minimize the opportunity for cyber crime to target customer money.

When customers need certain services that require banks to verify personal data, the banking sector can immediately process requests without having to re-verify them.

Customer data updating aims to improve customer services so that customers get maximum financial service satisfaction.

It is highly recommended to update data so that banks have the latest customer data, so that data suitability identification can be carried out between profit and transaction data. This step cannot be taken if the customer does not provide data updating.

If customers do not provide data updating, then financial security will be more vulnerable to theft including customer personal and financial data.

For example, Customer A was forced to change her cellphone because her previous cellphone was lost along with her number. If you don't update the data, the possibility of a mobile banking account/debit card/credit card stored on an old cellphone is increasingly vulnerable to being misused by foreigners.

When these conditions occur, and Customer A submits a report to the financial service provider, the complaint will be processed for a relatively long time because it must go through the latest data verification process first because the old customer data has the potential to be invalid and trigger other problems.

How to update data in banking is very easy, you can visit the nearest bank office or through the official application provided by the bank. Customers can also contact the call center which is ready to help customers 24 hours.

That's information related to how important customer data updating is. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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