JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Human Settlements is conducting the arrangement of the Waterfront Siluk Kapuas Hulu Area as a new tourist destination in West Kalimantan Province (Kalbar).

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that regional arrangement is a form of collaboration between the Ministry of PUPR and the Regional Government (Pemda) in encouraging and empowering the community/local residents as development actors.

In particular, small-scale infrastructure or simple work that does not require technology, ranging from planning, implementation, and supervision.

"The arrangement of areas like this is not only carried out on settlements along the river, but also in other places such as settlements near landfills or densely populated villages in urban areas," Minister Basuki said in a written statement received by VOI, on Tuesday, September 5.

Meanwhile, Head of the West Kalimantan Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center, Deva Kurniawan, said that the arrangement of the Waterfront Area began at the end of February 2023 at a cost of Rp. 27.25 billion.

"The current work progress has reached 35.3 percent with a target completion in December 2023," he said.

The work on structuringiki was carried out by the West Kalimantan Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) of the Ministry of PUPR together with PT Rencang Bangun Mandiri-PY Riefna Karya Banguns Specialist, KSO, as the implementing contractor.

The scope of work is in the form of the construction of Plaza, Park and Waterfront, Tribune Stairs, Pedestrians and drainage, Parking Parks, Arowana Statues, Street Furniture, Toilets and Water Towers, Fitness Outdoors, Piers, and Waste Disposal Sites.

Deva said the Putussibau-Kauas Hulu Park Square area is a strategic place for the people of Putussibau and its surroundings to take their time in the afternoon and evening, as well as on holidays relaxing with family and friends.

The location is right next to the Kapuas Putussibau Bridge, and is more strategic because it is close to the banks of the Kapuas River.

"In Putussibau-Kauas Hulu Square Park, various park facilities such as Gazebo, park chairs, children's playgrounds and Pujasera will also be provided with various culinary facilities," he said.

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