PT Pertamina International Shipping signed a construction collaboration for the Jakarta Integrated Green Terminal (JIGT) Kalibaru with PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) on Friday, September 1.

Deputy Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo in his speech said that later it would not only accommodate fuel such as LPG, BBM, Gasoline, and Biodiesel but also designed to accommodate LNG, CPO, UCO (Used Cooking Oil), and Petrokimia.

It can even accommodate Hydrogen, which is expected to grow in demand in 2030.

"We are grateful that there is a signature for the development of JIGT which has a capacity of 6.3 million barrels which will become strategic infrastructure for future renewable energy development," said Tiko in his remarks, Friday, September 1.

According to him, the construction of this terminal will also prepare green energy needs that are environmentally friendly for the Jabodetabek area, which has recently been faced with problems with air pollution.

CEO of PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) Yoki Firnandi explained, for the development of JIGT this will cost between 350 million and 550 million US dollars with three development stages.

"Reservoir capacity can reach up to 6.3 million barrels to meet the energy needs of the Jabodetabek area with the potential for increased fuel availability in the future," said Yoki.

Yoki explained that the construction of JIGT consisted of several stages.

The development stage starts from this year with a reclamation process, followed by a FEED (Front End Engineering Design) in 2024 and an initial construction and strengthening of the structure in 2025.

Meanwhile, terminal operation will be carried out in several stages. The first phase for the 2027-2035 period is the operation of fuel fuel, the second phase is 2035-2040 for the construction and operation of LNG storage, FAME, and Used Cooking Oil (UCO), as well as the last phase of 2040 construction and operations for hydrogen storage.

"Accompanied by the implementation of the latest modern technology, a digitalized system and automation that ensures terminal operations are safer and more efficient," Yoki added.

Just so you know, JIGT will be built on the 50 hectare land owned by Pelindo with the consideration of a strategic location for trade flow hubs in Asia.

In terms of operations, the JGIT location is also located in a population-free area bordering the seafront and has offshore mooring that can accommodate large ships.

The capacity of this shelter is also 3 times larger than the Jakarta Integrated Terminal in Plumpang.

JIGT's energy terminal has an advantage in terms of operation. Such as utilization of new and renewable energy in electricity, energy efficiency, and waste management to preserve the environment," concluded Yoki.

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