JAKARTA - Commercial operating date (COD) of the Jabodebek LRT will be carried out at the end of this month. PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or KAI targets this mass transportation mode to carry 137,000 passengers per day in the first year.
For your information, initially the Jabodebek LRT would be inaugurated on August 18 as a gift for the 78th Indonesian Independence Day but resigned to August 26. Later, the date of inauguration changed again between August 28 and 30.
KAI President Director Didiek Hartantyo said KAI set the target for Jabodebek LRT passengers based on the feasibility study. Didiek hopes that this target can be achieved both from the Bekasi and Cibubur tracks.
The target for passengers for the first year according to the feasibility study is 137,000 every day. So when compared to the KRL, it has now reached 900,000 per day. So the hope is that out of 137,000 it can be achieved from Harjamukti and Jatimulya," he told reporters at Dukuh Atas Station, written Tuesday, August 22.
Ahead of commercial operation, Didiek said KAI as the operator of the Jabodebek LRT was preparing operational personnel to be placed in the center operation and the readiness of 18 stations.
"We are ready to operate because the preparations are in accordance with what is expected," he said.
Didiek explained that the total length of the Jabodebek LRT is 42 kilometers (km) by covering Cibubur, Harjamukti to Cawang and Cawang to Dukuh atas. Then from East Bekasi, East Java to Cawang and Cawang to Dukuh atas.
Currently, continued Didiek, transportation integration is being built. Road access at 18 stations is also being developed in collaboration with local governments in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Bekasi.
"So later at each station there will be feeders, both TransJakarta, MRT, KRL and if there is patriot transportation in Bekasi and in Depok towards Harjamukti there is a feeder departing from Depok," he said.
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