JAKARTA - The financial technology company Pluang announced that it had terminated employment (PHK) for 10 percent of its employees based in Indonesia, Singapore, and India.

Pluang Co-Founder Claudia Kolonas switched, layoffs were carried out because Pluang was not immune to the uncertain situation and macroeconomic conditions.

In addition, Claudia said, the high inflation rate and declining purchasing power had a negative impact on the market and caused lower demand for investment products.

The current condition, he continued, requires Pluang to be able to continue to adapt quickly so that several vital efforts need to be taken based on the results of a thorough evaluation and review of the company's strategic goals.

Starting from the establishment of the company's core business, resumption of priorities, optimizing operational costs, to restructuring organizations that have an impact on termination of employment for employees.

"This series of efforts are made to provide sufficient space for movement to anticipate economic challenges and uncertainties in order to maintain the future of sustainable company growth and performance," Claudia said in a written statement, Monday, August 21.

He expressed his sympathy and appreciation for the affected employees.

"Pluang's success as a multi-asset investment application cannot be achieved without the support and persistence of every employee who is a very important asset and has a big role to play for the company's progress," Claudia continued.

He ensured that employees affected by layoffs would still receive compensation in accordance with labor regulations.

"We also provide an extension of the insurance period for employees and their families as well as support for opportunities to work outside Pluang," Claudia concluded.

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