JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) of Papua and West Papua Province stated that share transactions during 2023 from January to June reached Rp1.28 trillion with an average monthly transaction of Rp214 billion.

Head of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) of Papua and West Papua Muhammad Ikhsan Hutahaean in Jayapura, Sunday, August 20, said that in order to support the development of the number of capital market investors, his party together with the Indonesia Stock Exchange and securities companies have provided Capital Market Investment Gallerys available in various universities and residential areas.

"As of June 2023, there are 22 investment galleries spread across various regions in Papua Province, which students or local communities can take advantage of to find out more about the capital market," he said, quoted from Antara.

According to Ikhsan, his party encourages the Capital Market Investment Gallery to continue to be added with so many people who understand financial services. In addition, it can also prevent fraudulent investments that have been a concern for the local community.

"We will also continue to disseminate information and education to all Papuans about financial services so that they can find out which products can harm customers later," he said.

He explained that in June 2023, the total Single Investor Identification or SID was recorded at 49,296 accounts, growing by 25.89 percent compared to last year.

"The number of these accounts consists of 43,338 mutual funds, 22,597 stock accounts and 2,390 State Securities (SBN) accounts," he said again.

He added that the highest account growth was in mutual funds, which was 29.95 percent compared to 2022, the same position followed by SBN at 21.20 percent yoy.

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