YOGYAKARTA - CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a business approach that integrates social and area responsibilities into operational activities and industrial strategies. CSR includes industrial commitments to be responsible for the consequences for residents, areas, and other stakeholders.
CSR linked initiatives and industrial activities that were carried out voluntarily with the aim of sharing positive and prolonged consequences for residents and the surrounding areas.
Systemic Approach: ESG adopts a systemic approach in managing industrial consequences. This means that the industry thinks about how each aspect of ESG is related and affects each other. This approach acknowledges that industrial success is not only determined by financial performance, but also by good area, social, and governance performance.
CSR, although also aimed at sharing positive impacts, tends to have a more focused approach to philanthropic activities or charitable donations without thinking about the linkage and comprehensive impact of ESG factors.
Compliance and Sustainability: ESG urges the industry not only to comply with legal standards and regulations, but also to adopt the best and prolonged application within the scope of the environment, social, and governance. ESG views sustainability as a key principle in achieving long-term industrial goals.
CSR is often more motivated by the company's efforts to fulfill its social responsibilities, either those that are required by law or those that are ethical responsibilities. CSR can associate project activities or separate initiatives that are not always integrated with the company's core strategy and operations.
Stakeholders and transparency: ESG recognizes the meaning of stakeholders in the company's decision-making and surgery. ESG urges the industry to relate to various stakeholders, such as employees, customers, communities, and investors, and think about their interests in decision making.
CSR also pays attention to stakeholders, but its focus is often more on industrial efforts to share benefits with residents and areas. ESG encourages greater transparency in reporting and disclosing ESG's adrift data to stakeholders.
These differences show that ESG adopts a more holistic, integrated, and prolonged approach in managing the impact of the company, while CSR tends to have a more focused focus on social responsibility and philanthropic initiatives. However, it is important to note that CSR and ESG can complement each other and companies can mix these two approaches to achieve wider goals in producing positive and sustainable impacts.
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