JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) responded to the bad air pollution in DKI Jakarta and became a complaint from the public on social media. Jokowi also provided a number of solutions, one of which was by moving to the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan.

"One solution is to reduce the burden on Jakarta, so that some of it will be shifted to the capital city of Nusantara (IKN)," said Jokowi after inaugurating the Indonesia Arena at GBK, quoted on Tuesday, August 8.

Jokowi assessed that the poor air pollution in Jakarta has not only been recent, but has occurred since the last few years.

"Yes, we have experienced pollution in the capital city of DKI Jakarta for years," he said.

In addition to moving to IKN, Jokowi said, increasing mass modes of transportation such as MRT, LRT, and high-speed trains could also be a solution. Therefore, he continued, the LRT, MRT and high-speed rail projects are being accelerated.

"The mass transportation mode must be completed, the MRT must be completed immediately on all routes, the LRT for all routes completed, the fast train is a mode of transportation that reduces pollution, including later use of electric cars," he said.

As for the IQAir report, an air quality monitoring site, the level of air pollution in Jakarta today is considered unhealthy.

The site shows that the concentration of particulates (PM2.5) in Jakarta is at 36 micrograms per cubic meter or 7.3 times the standard of the World Health Organization (WHO).

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